REVIEWS (497)

Foot Relief Insoles LLC BBB Business Review

Providing Real
Comfort and
Since 2007


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Use any of the four programs below to earn or win free insoles.  You can participate in all four of these programs at the same time!  Click the links below to learn more.

Free Insole Review Program

Free Insole Referral Program

Free Insole Giveaway Contest

Free Insoles for Life Contest

FREE Insole Review - How it Works

Instructions: You are eligible to receive 1 free pair of insoles for every 2 pairs you order.  This can be in the same order or two separate orders.  To qualify you must complete 1 survey and 2 reviews.  There are 9 places to post your reviews in the section Where to Post Reviews below.  You can also place additional orders of 2 pairs or more in the future and participate in the review process again.

To start the review process use the BizRate Insights pop-up survey on this page.  You do not need to buy magazines to complete the review!  Refresh this page if you exited out of the pop-up survey.  You may need to turn off your pop-up blocker before refreshing this page.  The BizRate survey will count as your first review.

Once you complete the BizRate Survey return to this page and select any of the links below to complete 2 additional reviews.  You do not need to give any personal identifying information when posting your reviews.  Once you complete your reviews be sure to copy the web address where your reviews are posted and paste them into the form below.  You have 30 days from date of your most recent order to complete the review process and qualify for a FREE Pair of insoles.

We do ask that you cover a few important details in your reviews.  Writing your review summary in advance greatly increases the speed of the review process.  Try to mention something new and different in each review if possible.

  • How long you have been wearing Foot Relief Insoles?

  • What you do for a living?  You do not need to mention company names.

  • Write or say as many details as possible about any health conditions or pain our insoles helped reduce or alleviate. - Very important.

  • Include any helpful information you feel is important to customers who are considering buying Foot Relief Insoles for the first time.

  • Remember, we are asking for an honest review about our insoles and how they have directly helped you.  If you are a new user of our insoles please wear them for at least one week before giving us your reviews.

Where to Post Reviews?  Click the Links Below.

  • BizRate - Required.  Refresh this page for the pop-up survey.  Check the box in the form below when you submit your reviews to let us know you completed the BizRate Survey.  You do not need to purchase anything to complete this survey.

  • YouTube - Subscribe and post an insole review in the comments section of one of our videos.  If you can watch the entire video while you write your review that will also help.  Thanks.

  • Google Business Listing - Write a review on our Google Business Listing.  This is a very easy review.  Please cover as many of the details outlined above.  Thank you.

  • Facebook - Recommend or Review us on our Facebook page or write a post on your own Facebook page.  When posting a review or recommendation on your Facebook Page include a link to our website >https://www.footreliefinsoles.com< or include your personal Foot Relief Insoles Affiliate Link. (Join Our Affiliate Program Below)

  • Better Business Bureau - Post a review.  Be sure to verify your email address or it will not go public.

  • Instagram - Follow us and post a review on your Instagram account.  Feel free to use the images located here: Images  You must also include a link to our website >https://www.footreliefinsoles.com< in your review when using this review option or include your personal Foot Relief Insoles Affiliate Link. (Join Our Affiliate Program Below).

  • Twitter - Follow us and send out a review Tweet from your account.  You must also include a link to our website >https://www.footreliefinsoles.com< when using this review option or include your personal Foot Relief Insoles Affiliate Link. (Join Our Affiliate Program Below)

  • Join Our Affiliate Program - Then, post your affiliate referral link or banner on your website or social media page.  This will count as one review and you will give you 20% commission on any purchases through your affiliate links or banners.

  • Upload a 30-60 Second Video Review using the form below.  Uploading a video counts as 2 reviews and along with the BizRate Survey, you will have completed the review process.  Please submit the video in horizontal widescreen and not vertical if you are using your cell phone to create the video.  When submitting a video please complete the release section in the form below and sign it using your mouse or your finger on touch screens.  If you are not submitting a video review you can skip the release section of the form below.

IMPORTANT:  When required, be sure you verify your email address after you submit each review or they might not go public and we will not count them as a verified reviews.  Thank you.

Once you have completed the required reviews or tasks from the list above, copy and paste the web addresses / links where your reviews appear into the form below and if you prepared a video review be sure to upload the video using the upload button.  One you have completed the form below, click the the submit button.  We will verify your completed reviews or tasks and send you a special one time use Coupon Code for your FREE pair.

You may take advantage of this special offer every time you purchase 2 or more pairs of Foot Relief Insoles until you complete all the available review websites or tasks in the list above.  For example if you place 3 orders of 2 pairs or more (6 pairs total) you will be able to complete all 9 reviews or tasks giving you 3 FREE pairs!  Tell your friends and family to visit this link:
https://www.footreliefinsoles.com/free_insole_review.htm so they can participate before this promotion ends.

Free Insole Review Program

Do not complete this form until you have finished the BizRate Survey and 2 more reviews or tasks.  Thank you.

Free Insole Referral Program

You must fill this form out for each friend you refer or we will have no way of knowing it was you who referred them.  You will receive a personalized email for each friend every time you fill out this form.  All you have to do is forward the email we send you to your friend from within your own email account.  Check your email once you submit this form.  Check your junk, spam, and advertising folders if you do not see our email and mark us as a trusted sender.

Free Insole Giveaway Contest

Don't forget to join our insole giveaway contest!  Enter now for a chance to win a free pair of insoles in up to 6 drawings per year!  Click here to enter.

Free Insoles for Life Contest

The Foot Relief Insoles Free Insoles for Life Giveaway Starts Now!  Help us go viral and you could become a winner for LIFE!  To participate just follow the steps below.

Foot Relief Insoles is giving away 1 Pair of Foot Relief Extreme Sports Insoles per year FOR LIFE to one random winner for every 20,000 social interactions we receive (combined) from the social media platforms listed below, until we reach 1 million social interactions.  That's a total of 50 Free Insoles for Life Winners to be chosen at random.  What is considered a social interaction in order to participate?  See the list below.  Complete all 4 social interactions below for even more chances to win!  If you already subscribe to one or all of these platforms then all you have to do is tweet or post one of the sample tweets/posts below to enter the contest.  Follow us and post/tweet to all the social media platforms below to confirm up to 4 entries in the contest.  You will remain in the running until the goal of 1 million social interactions is achieved upon which time the contest will end.  Updates and winners will be posted to the social media sites below and by email when a new winner is selected.  The more you share, the more viral this becomes, and the more winners are selected.

Complete one or more social interactions below to enter:

1. Follow us on Twitter and tweet our contest to your Twitter account by copying one of the sample tweets below.

2. Follow us on
Facebook and post our contest to your Facebook account by copying one of the sample posts below.

3. Follow us on
Instagram and post our contest to your Instagram account by copying one of the sample posts below.

4. Don't have (or don't like) social media?  No problem.  To enter the contest just email the long version sample below to 3 friends and Carbon Copy (Cc) each email to us at social@footreliefinsoles.com - Make sure you let them know the email is from you.  We will not contact or email your referrals unless they enter and win.

Here are some sample tweets/posts you can use:

Long Version (copy and post this if space allows):

WIN FREE INSOLES FOR LIFE!  Foot Relief Insoles, the manufacturer of the greatest shoe insoles on Earth, is giving away 1 Free Pair of Insoles FOR LIFE to 50 lucky winners! 
www.FootReliefInsoles.com/freeinsolesforlife for more details.  Yes, that's correct.  They are giving away 1 free pair of insoles per winner, per year, for the life of the company, for every 20,000 qualified social interactions from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram combined.  To qualify, you must follow Foot Relief Insoles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (or all three for more chances to win) and MOST IMPORTANT: re-tweet or re-post this message to validate your entry.  One lucky winner will be selected at random for every 20,000 verified social interactions.  This contest ends when 1 million social interactions are confirmed and a total of 50 Free Insoles for Life winners are selected.  Make this go viral and help a great company stay in business.  The winners will be posted on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram once every 20,000th social interaction.

Short Version (copy and post this if characters are limited):

WIN FREE INSOLES FOR LIFE!  Foot Relief Insoles, the manufacturer of the greatest insoles on Earth, is giving away 1 Free Pair of Insoles per year
FOR LIFE to 50 lucky winners!  Visit www.FootReliefInsoles.com/freeinsolesforlife for more details on how to enter.


Disclaimer:  Winners will receive 1 pair of insoles per year for as long as Foot Relief Insoles LLC remains in business.  Which we hope is a very long time!

Audio Testimonials  /  Video Testimonials

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