Foot Relief Insoles LLC BBB Business Review

Providing Real
Comfort and
Since 2007

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"I wanted to say that this is the best pair of insoles that I have ever used.  As a matter of fact it is the only pair!  These are great. I referred several people to you that have bought them."


"I will let everyone know what I have found and that they are backed by a great company."

A. H.

"My feet were thanking me the remainder of the day.  I haven't removed them from my shoes.  They really are very comfortable and the massaging action keeps you going all day."


"A friend told me about your product, because he knew that I had pain in my feet for the last nine months. I purchased an extra pair of insoles that he had purchased from you. In ten days my foot pain was gone."

Anthony Stevens

"Foot Relief Insoles are the best thing that has happened to my feet and legs in many years. Thank You."

Dee Danberger

"I can tell you that I began to feel relief within the first 30 minutes.  I have had chronic back, leg, and hip problems for the last ten years. Since I have been using your product I have not had any of these issues.  What a great way to live.  No more going to the doctor for pain killers. What is really terrific is that I am able to do the things that would cause me to be in pain!  I also have increased energy. Your product is absolutely fabulous. You have a committed life long customer."

Peter J. Plants

"Instantly my feet felt better.  I have had six foot surgeries, both knees replaced and one hip replaced.  As soon has these insoles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body felt so much better and my feet don't hurt at all!  I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works."

Ladine Sims

I just wanted you to know how very pleased I am with your product!  I am an elementary school teacher and I am on my feet all day in my classroom, for yard duty, and when I teach Physical Education.  My feet get a workout every day! Your Foot Relief Insoles are most aptly named! They make a huge difference in my comfort.  A comfortable teacher is a child's best friend!  Thanks again for your wonderful product!

Suzanne Hart

I want to let you know how wonderful your insoles are!  They have all but cured my plantar fasciitis!  Since I started wearing them my feet have felt great!  I'm a vet tech so I'm on my feet all day long.  Thanks again for the last four pain free months!


Jessica Ring

Dr. David Noble Recommends Foot Relief Insoles.  Click Here to Visit the Noble Family Chiropractic Wellnes and Nutrition Center

Foot Relief Insoles Reviews

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The 498 unique customer reviews on this page and in the links above are from emails, review websites, social media, voicemails, and video interviews at fairs and tradeshows.  All reviews are from real customers.  These reviews represent only a small portion of the thousands of reviews, mainly verbal, we have received at events from our customers over the years.  We save all reviews, from all sources, in our database.  We are more than happy to provide you with a copy or snapshot of the original review upon request.  Some reviews below may appear more than once if a customer mentioned multiple conditions.  More reviews coming soon.  Disclaimer

Customer Reviews
Click any link below to jump to that section.  Click "Back to Top" in any section to return here.
Aching Feet Children Hip Pain Product Comparison
Ankle Pain Construction Joint Pain Shock Absorption
Arch Pain Deteriorating Cartilage Knee Pain Sore Feet
Arthritis Diabetic Foot Pain Leg Cramps Sports
Back Pain Drop Foot Leg Pain Standing
Ball of Foot Pain Fibromyalgia Lupus Teachers
Blisters Flat Feet Police & Military Tendonitis
Bone Spurs Foot Fatigue Morton's Neuroma Tired Feet
Broken Fibula Foot Massage Neuropathy Unhappy Customers
Broken Foot Foot Pain Numb Feet Vet Techs
Bunions Happy Customers Nurses Walking
Burning Feet Heel Pain Orthotics Weight Loss
Calluses Heel Spurs Plantar Fasciitis  
Capsulitis of the Foot High Heels Plantar Warts  

Aching Feet

I bought my first pair of insoles at a trade show 7 years ago. I loved them and wore them to work in my high heels every day.  For the last year I have been at home with my baby boy and my feet have been aching.  My dad suggested arch supports and I remembered I had these insoles. - Bizrate Review

I am writing to tell you how much of a difference my insoles have made for me since I purchased them awhile back.  I have gone from 100% pain to 0%. And it's all thanks to the insoles.  My feet don't don't hurt like they use to.  I use to dread going to work because my feet would hurt so bad.  But a few days after wearing them I began to feel the difference.  I am so glad that I made that trip to the mall that day.  I believe if I try something and it works for me I don't hesitate to let people know. (I talk them to death about the product.)  I work as a custodian so I am on my feet pretty much 8 hours a day.  I tell other's about the product and give them your web site and tell them it will be the best money spent.  You can't make money if you are out of work because of aching feet. Once again thank you so much. - Cristina Palomares - Customer Email

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Ankle Pain

Love your insoles...perfect for my ankle pain secondary to broken fibula...best relief of anything tried post surgery. - Paula - Customer Email

I am amazed at how quickly these insoles have taken the pain away from my right ankle.  God will truly bless you for such a wonderful gift! - Customer Email

Bought these at Rodeo yesterday. Best investment ever for broken ankles and foot issue.  Anyone who stands or works on their feet all day, these are for you.  Goes over flip flop also! Worth the money and has a two year warranty! 5 stars for me! - Facebook Post

I bought a pair for me and a pair for my husband at the Mancuso Quilt Show in West Palm Beach Florida.  Does that entitle me to enter for two chances to win a free pair?  My husband resisted even trying the insoles but finally did and now his ankle pain and his hip pain are GONE! - Customer Email

Foot Relief insoles have been a life saver.  I have bad knees and a bad ankle and since my first pair of insoles that I purchased in February I have had little to no trouble with my knees or ankle. - Bizrate Review

I just bought a pair of insoles they are fantastic, in fact I'm telling everyone about them and actually taking my shoe off and showing them.  I have sent four people to the Umatilla County Fair Hermiston OR.  I am 73, have Arthritis in my ankles, have had both knees replaced, have arthritis all up and down my spine.  I walked around the fair and they felt so good that I went back the next day and walked some more.  Thank You for making my life more livable. - Mary - Customer Email

It was at the LA county fairgrounds that I first tried foot relief insoles.  At first it felt strange but within a few minutes after inserting them in my shoe, the pain in my foot, heel, and ankles from walking all day diminished.  Still I wasn't too sure about buying it but the nice sales person assured me it was worth a try.  Fast forward two years and I'm still wearing my insoles! I bought another pair since and honestly my feet can't live without them! I made a mistake of not wearing them one day and yes, my feet hurt. Foot relief insoles, their name says it all. I don't leave the house without FRI in my shoes.  Thank you FRI! - BBB Review

My name is Dave H. Jr. and in 2005 I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident and shattered my left ankle.  While on my motorcycle a drunk driver slammed me into a guard rail and took off and the police could never locate the driver of the vehicle.  I was told in the hospital that I would have limited mobility in my left ankle and maybe never walk again on it.  But I wouldn't let that happen.  Within 5 months I was out of the wheel chair and hobbling along without a walking boot. I don't let anything slow me down.  I am a father of three and I need to be there for my kids and wife.  I have a special orthotic made that makes a difference in my life but when I was introduced to your Foot Relief Insoles at the stock show in 2012 it changed the way my feet felt.  Trust me, I have had a lot of insoles in the past and paid high dollar just to be disappointed in how long they lasted.  When I put the insoles in my shoes at the stock show I felt that I was floating on air.  I have never taken them out of my shoes since.  I even had my wife order her some and I another pair and my mother and sister ordered some too and they loved them. Thank you. Dave H. Jr. - Customer Letter

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Arch Pain

I bought 1 pair 4 years ago.  Then I bought 3 more the next year, and 5 pairs last summer.  They are so wonderful for plantar fasciitis and my very high arches. I put them in all my shoes, even flip flops! I wouldn’t be without them. - BBB Review

I've had my pair of Foot Relief Insoles for a year.  I love them!  I switch them in and out of my shoes from boots to heels!  I can wear heels again.  I use to have problems with the arch of my foot.  Now I don't have any discomfort.  I can stand for hours, at least 12 and not have as much pain in the end.  They even help me dance the night away.  I love them and recommend them to all. - Araceli Lopez - Written Review - 3/17/2012

We suffer from very high arches.  Foot Relief Insoles are the answer to my foot issues! - Anonymous - Written Review - 9/20/2014

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I am a housewife and a teacher and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful these Foot Relief Insoles are!  I have had two knee replacements and I have severe arthritis in my left foot.  I have tried many insoles and have spent hundreds of dollars but these give me more relief than any insole ever has.  I can't go without them.  You feel like you are floating on air.  I never dreamed this thin insole would make so much of a difference in my health.  They have tremendously helped my knee healing.  I recommend them to anyone who is willing to try them. - June - Arkansas - Voicemail Audio Testimony

Wore them for 2 hours at the fair.  Felt it in my hips! They are really changing how I walk.  Did a lot of walking, but my arthritic knees did not complain! - Square Customer

I am new at trying these.  They were recommended by a friend of ours.  I have had back surgeries and have arthritis in my spine and hips so I am trying them for the first time. - Bizrate Review

Thank you.  These insoles are the $%&!.  When I saw all the people buying them I just had to try them as I have pain in my feet from arthritis.  But with these insoles I have no pain.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

My name is Crystal T. and the reason I am contacting you is because one of my friends, a rheumatology fellow at Columbia Neha B. mentioned that she bought some insoles for her family members through you.  She said it was a great product and narrow enough to fit in dress shoes.  I'm flat footed and would love to be able to buy pair of these insoles if you still have them or know how I could get them.  I would greatly appreciate it! - Customer Email

I just bought a pair of insoles they are fantastic, in fact I'm telling everyone about them and actually taking my shoe off and showing them.  I have sent four people to the Umatilla County Fair Hermiston OR. I am 73, have Arthritis in my ankles, have had both knees replaced, have arthritis all up and down my spine.  I walked around the fair and they felt so good that I went back the next day and walked some more.  Thank You for making my life more livable. - Mary - Customer Email

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Back Pain

I want to let everyone know that relief is in sight for for aching feet, sore legs, and a tired back.  Very thin, very comfortable, and great relief for long days on your feet.  Hands down I recommend everyone get one or two pair so they can experience the same relief I've been experiencing.  Thank you Foot Relief Insoles. - Author Chris Rogers - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I work for a major shipping company at the front counter all day long on my feet.  After a week and a half of wearing them my back pain was reduced almost completely.  There is no comparison to these insoles.  They are the best.  They are wonderful.  I don't go anywhere without them. - Christy - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

My name is Billy Lawson and I am 32 years old.  Ten years ago I ruptured my L4 and L5.  I spent six months recovering after having to have a hole drilled through my spine and for seven years I was constantly going to doctors and chiropractors.  I was on the internet one day just looking for a pair of insoles for my work boots and I ran across Foot Relief Insoles.  I paint heavy machinery and constantly climb 15 foot steep ladders and walk anywhere from 15 to 20 miles a day.  Some days I couldn't even stand up straight to walk in the house when I got home.  I ordered a pair of insoles from Foot Relief Insoles and the day I got them I ordered two more pair.  I was almost to the point that I was going to have to quit my job and after I got these insoles I don't just go to work, I now have a life outside of work with my wife and my daughter who is fixing to turn 2 and I keep up with her every day.  I still hurt every now and again but I don't even go to the Doctor any more and only have to go to the chiropractor once every two or three years for a checkup.  These insoles truly have changed my life. Billy Lawson - Customer Email

Been wearing them 6 months, no more back pains, never leave house without them. - M. Adams - Customer Email

I bought these for my husband as he has back problems and is on his feet all day.  In a couple of days time he has come home with absolutely NO back pain what so ever!  These foot insoles truly are amazing!  He absolutely loves them!  Thank you so much for your great customer service, fast shipping, great quality of foot insoles and best of all for helping my husband with his back pain with your wonderful foot insoles.  I will definitely be back for more for myself. - Square Customer 15

The insoles give my back a relief from backache but at the same time at the end of the day my feet be sore and tender. But really enjoying the back pain relief. - Bizrate Review

I have to say these are the BEST insoles that I have ever bought.  I have told so many people about them and how they should buy them.  They make a world of difference for me as I have several levels in my back and neck with bulges, herniations and now my L4-5 is slipping forward 7 mm.  I have to say that if it wasn't for these insoles I would be in a lot more pain than I am when wearing these insoles.  I thank you for making a product that does what the company claims it does and stands behind their product.  Thank you for such a wonderful, amazing, helpful product.  You don't know what this product of yours has done for me and all my medical back problems. - Customer Email

I had less back ache the first day I had them in my sandals. - Customer Email

I wear these everyday and have several pair.  I have plantar fasciitis in my right foot and these insoles have been a life saver!  I wear them every day and they have been an integral part of my treatment and healing process.  I have also bought several pair for my husband and they help him have less back pain.  I HIGHLY recommend these insoles!! I am a very happy customer! - Bizrate Review

I really like the insoles.  I am a affiliate of Foot Relief Insoles and I made this purchase for someone that doesn't have internet access.  I will definitely recommend them to everyone.  They make all the difference in the world when walking on hard floors all day and if you have had or have lower back pain or foot problems once you try the Foot Relief Insoles you will not want to work another day without them I promise.  I have had both lower back problems and problems with both my feet and I was miserable at work until I purchased a pair of foot relief Insoles. Now walking 10 hours a day is much easier.  They may not make you like your job any better but they will definitely make being there much easier. - Bizrate Review

They have been very helpful in relieving my plantar fasciitis pain and have also helped to ease my husband's back pain. - Bizrate Review

I cannot wait to get these! I have purchased these before (from another merchant) and love them! I ordered the insoles in the tan color as I already have a pair in black.  If you have never tried them,  Buy these!  Even if you don't have any back or foot issues, these help fight leg and foot fatigue. - Bizrate Review

Love the product.  My back pain is gone! - Customer Email

I did not realize how much support I was receiving from the product until one insole developed a leak.  Back & knee pain resumed. - Bizrate Review (Of course we replaced this insole under our 2 year warranty)

My lower back used to ache a lot after going out for walks.  When I started wearing these gel insoles, it did take a few weeks for my leg muscles to adjust.  After those first weeks though, these soles have done wonders in helping my back pain. It doesn't hurt anymore when I go walking and I don't leave home without the soles.  I've been wearing them now for about 3-4 years. - Bizrate Review

Great product.  I don't leave home without these soles on my feet. If I do, I would otherwise have lower back pain.  I have found that these soles don't work for some people (soreness, inability to adjust after the first few weeks of wearing, etc.). However, they have been a life saver for me. - Bizrate Review

I purchased a pair of Food Relief Insoles for my shoes at a Science Convention three years ago.  I am a teacher and the relief I felt wearing these insoles was instant!  I saved the package so when I needed a new pair I could order online as needed.  I liked these insoles so much that I also purchased a pair for my husband and sister who suffer from sore backs and foot pain too.  I am confident they will notice a big difference when they add the Foot Relief Insoles into their shoes. - Bizrate Review

It took a few weeks for my legs to adjust, but it's really helped relieve my lower back pain. I don't wear shoes without them! - Bizrate Review

I am new at trying these.  They were recommended by a friend of ours.  I have had back surgeries and have arthritis in my spine and hips so I am trying them for the first time. - Bizrate Review

I stand on my feet all day on cement floors.  Foot Relief Insoles truly help not only my feet but my back too.  When I don't have these insoles in my shoes I am in terrible pain at the end of the day.  I don't want to leave for work without them. - Bizrate Review

Hi, My name is Natalie.  I have been wearing your insoles for about 5 years and I can't even begin to express how wonderful they are.  I work in a factory and I'm on my feet at least 8 hours, sometimes 10 hours a day.  Before I started wearing them I could barely walk at the end of the day.  My feet hurt, my back hurt, my knees and everything else.  Within 5 minutes of wearing them I noticed a substantial difference.  I tried another popular brand of gel insoles and they didn't work at all.  I tried this product and highly recommend them to anyone.  I tell all my co-workers to try them every time they complain about sore feet. - Customer Voicemail Testimony.

This is Mary and I've worn them for about 3 years.  I am a nurse.  I stand on my feet all day long for long hours.  After I got Foot Relief Insoles my feet and my back didn't hurt anymore.  I did have an issue where one of them broke after 3 years but I had actually bought two pair at the time.  When I was without them for a little bit I could really realize how much they help.  I would recommend them to anybody. I'm ordering more online today.  I can definitely tell if I don't have a pair in my shoes.  I absolutely wear them when I work.  Thank you. - Customer Voicemail Testimony

I bought a pair of these liquid soles at Fort Worth and I am very happy with the results.  The back pain and leg pain are gone.  I would recommend this product to any one with back, leg, or hip problems.  On a scale of 1-10, A-10 for sure.  Thank you. Justin - Customer Email

Was received as a gift and a better gift I have never received.  I stand on cement for over 8 hours a day and my feet don't bother me half as much and my back feels a lot better. - Bizrate Review

Have used insoles two years most every day feel they have helped my balance and spine alignment. - Bizrate Review

I just bought a pair of insoles they are fantastic, in fact I'm telling everyone about them and actually taking my shoe off and showing them.  I have sent four people to the Umatilla County Fair Hermiston OR.  I am 73, have Arthritis in my ankles, have had both knees replaced, have arthritis all up and down my spine.  I walked around the fair and they felt so good that I went back the next day and walked some more.  Thank You for making my life more livable. - Mary - Customer Email

I purchased a pair of your insoles for my 14 year old daughter and a pair for myself at the Quarter Horse Congress this year.  I can tell you that I began to feel relief within the first 30 minutes of using them.  I have had chronic back problems since I was in high school.  I have had leg and hip problems for the last ten years.  Since I have been using your product I have not had any of these issues.  What a great way to live, no more going to the doctor, taking pain killers etc.  What is really terrific is that I am able to do so much that before caused me to be in pain.  I have also experienced increased energy.  Your product is absolutely fabulous.  You have a committed life long customer and spokesman for foot Relief Insoles.  PS: your salesman at the Congress was really great.  He told me to try them and if I didn't like them he would take them back.  You couldn't get me to give them back.  Thank You - It is great to have all this relief and comfort. Sincerely, Peter J. Plants - Customer Email

On Sept 18th I went to the LA Fair. I usually use a scooter, but didn't because we got there late and I thought I could handle it.  It was toward the end of the night when we were picking up things in your building.  Anyway I came by your booth and the men there were so nice.  They said just try, we don't care if you buy or not.  Well instantly my feet felt better.  I have had 6 foot surgeries, both knees replaced and 1 hip replaced.  My back hurts but I am not ready for anyone to work on my back.  As soon has the soles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body feel so much better.  My feet don't hurt at all, and I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works.  Ladine Sims - Customer Email

Simply an outstanding product.  The perfect answer to sore feet, tired legs and aching backs.  I definitely will share this with friends & family.  Sincerely, - Chris Rodgers - Author, Los Angeles - Customer Email

On my feet all day training horses and as a waitress.  With these insoles I've never had knee, foot, or back pain after all day on my feet.  Been wearing them for going on 3 years and will keep wearing them. - Brianna - Written Review - 3/10/2012

I had surgery on my lower back three times.  After wearing these inserts my back pains eased up.  I have wore them until they are worn out.  They are amazing.  You will catch yourself rocking forward and backwards. - J. Mills - Written Review - 3/13/2012

When I was diagnosed with lupus my husband bought them for me.  They have relieved all of my back and heel spurs.  They are amazing.  I even have used it during my pregnancy.  Truly wonderful. - Angelica Garcia - Written Review - 3/14/2012

Love my insoles!  My feet take me everywhere in comfort with no back ache, leg or foot pain.  Honest.  Thank you for your invention - it saved my life. (not our invention but our design. We appreciate your reveiw.) - Chris Meyer - Written Review - 8/5/2012

I bought 4 years ago a pair of Foot Relief.  I can't wait for the fair.  The inserts relieve my back and legs.  They are the greatest. - Annette Stannard - Written Review - 8/7/2012

Foot Relief instantly made my back feel better.  It's a soft cushion to walk on that makes it feel like walking on a cloud.  Every day you put them on it feels like wearing a new pair of shoes and for only $40.  The soles that are bought from stores are no where as useful.  Highly recommend. - Michael S. - Written Review - 8/27/2014

Me and my husband have been walking around the fair since noon and its 5pm and our feet, knees, and backs do NOT hurt like usual!  Amazing - Anonymous - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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Ball of Foot Pain

I purchased a pair of these insoles at our craft sale and found them to be great.  I have a pain in the pad just behind my toes whenever I walk. The insoles eliminated the pain.  It has been a pleasure to walk on these and not get any pain.  I am going to purchase another pair. - BBB Review

Awesome.  I was very skeptical when I ordered these insoles, but to say that I am delightfully surprised in an understatement.  I cannot believe how comfortable they are.  They run true to size and slide right into your shoes.  Usually, my foot starts to burn on the ball after a couple of hours of wearing my shoes, but I have had boots on for 8 hours and no pain at all.  These fixed my problems.  I highly recommend them. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Very satisfied with these insoles.  Being on my feet all day, and walking extensively, I tried a pair of these insoles to help relieve soreness.  They are wonderful!  I have all but eliminated the soreness on the bottom of my feet.  You do have to get used to wearing them but once you do, your feet will love you. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

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I think I’ve bought more than a dozen pairs since I first discovered Foot Relief Insoles at the California State Fair.  I often give them as gifts as well as I love them myself.  PS in case in brings satisfaction to you and the others around the company - I have been a walker for years, and always struggled with blisters - no more since I have my Foot Relief Insoles.  This year, I did my third annual 50 mile ultra-marathon - it was terrific! - Customer Email

I purchased a pair 1 year ago and found a big difference!  My blisters disappeared in 24 hours!  Recommended them to my buddy. - Jim Davis - Written Review - 8/24/14

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Bone Spurs

I got my first pair at the fair.  I have bone spurs in both heels and I had only been there 10 minutes when my feet started hurting so bad.  I came across your booth and the salesman said put these in your shoes and walk.  Needless to say I bought them and was able to stay another 8 hours they have been a life saver.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I wear them all the time now and swear by your product.  All of my bone spurs went away and my feet feel so good. - Theresa Halbert - Customer Review - 8/31/2014

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Broken Fibula

Love your insoles...perfect for my ankle pain secondary to broken fibula...best relief of anything tried post surgery. - Customer Email

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Broken Foot

I have been telling all friends and family how great they are.  I am buying a pair for my sister tonight.  She really needs them.  She fell and broke her foot very badly a year ago.  I think they will really help with the problems she still has.  Thank you for such a great product. - Bizrate Review

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Love my Foot Relief Insoles.  Finally wore my old set out and have to replace them ASAP.  Been wearing them for 4 years now.  First used them in my Roller Derby skates.  They got rid of my tailor's bunions and calluses once I started using Foot Relief Insoles.  Won't go without them ever again! Happy Feet! - Bizrate Review

As a fork lift driver for 25 years I had many bunions and other foot problems.  After discovering your product I have had instant relief.  Other people in my department are now wearing your product and we are very happy. - Rick Halbert - Written Reveiw - 8/31/2014

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Burning Feet

Awesome.  I was very skeptical when I ordered these insoles, but to say that I am delightfully surprised in an understatement.  I cannot believe how comfortable they are.  They run true to size and slide right into your shoes.  Usually, my foot starts to burn on the ball after a couple of hours of wearing my shoes, but I have had boots on for 8 hours and no pain at all.  These fixed my problems.  I highly recommend them. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

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Love my Foot Relief Insoles.  Finally wore my old set out and have to replace them ASAP.  Been wearing them for 4 years now.  First used them in my Roller Derby skates.  They got rid of my tailor's bunions and calluses once I started using Foot Relief Insoles.  Won't go without them ever again!  Happy Feet! - Bizrate Review

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Capsulitis of the Foot

I have Capsulitis in the balls of my feet. Your product is a lifesaver! - Square Customer

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I purchased a pair of your insoles for my 14 year old daughter and a pair for myself at the Quarter Horse Congress this year.  I can tell you that I began to feel relief within the first 30 minutes of using them.  I have had chronic back problems since I was in high school.  I have had leg and hip problems for the last ten years.  Since I have been using your product I have not had any of these issues.  What a great way to live, no more going to the doctor, taking pain killers etc.  What is really terrific is that I am able to do so much that before caused me to be in pain.  I have also experienced increased energy.  Your product is absolutely fabulous.  You have a committed life long customer and spokesman for foot Relief Insoles.  PS: your salesman at the Congress was really great.  He told me to try them and if I didn't like them he would take them back.  You couldn't get me to give them back.  Thank You - It is great to have all this relief and comfort.  Sincerely, Peter J. Plants - Customer Email

I just wanted to tell you that this was our second year in a row purchasing your insoles at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, in Ohio. Last year I purchased them for my husband and 8 year old daughter who has problem feet, they both absolutely loved them and couldn't wait to return this past week when we purchased them an additional pair plus picked up 2 pair for friends.  This time we purchased the advanced version, they are so comfortable!  Also would mention it was the same sales person working the both both years and he is very friendly and helpful. - Trina - Customer Email

Has made a huge difference for my kids. - Bizrate Review

I currently wear Foot Relief Insoles.  They help my foot pain extremely well.  I am purchasing a pair for my daughter & husband.  Thank you for your great product. - Bizrate Review

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Yes, my name is Kathy and my boyfriend is currently in construction and has been wearing the Foot Relief Insoles for 2 years.  He has pain from being on his feet for long hours, 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, so these are definitely helping.  It is changed his life.  These don't compare to anything else that's on the market.  We just wanted to say thank you so much and to say we are enjoying them.  Thank you so much. - Customer Voicemail Testimony

I've been wearing Foot Relief for over a year.  Have had great success with them. Great relief.  I work in the construction field, on my feet 10-12 hours a day. - Scott G. - Written Review - 8/5/2012

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Deteriorating Cartilage

I am in the restaurant business and have been having problems with my feet for over 20 years and it was slowly getting worse.  I have cartilage in my left foot that is deteriorating and they said there is nothing that could be done.  I have tried half a dozen types of shoe inserts and they did nothing to help.  That was until recently when I found Foot Relief Insoles.  Now I am able to walk non-stop without resting.  Normally when I walk 6 or more hours I can barely walk the next day.  I have constant pain but that is all gone now.  These insoles are the best I have ever tried.  These are definitely worth the price I paid for them. - Keith - Louisiana - Customer Voicemail Testimony

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Diabetic Foot Pain

I bought my first pair from Ted at For the Health It in Pigeon Forge.  He is great to work with by the way.  They have worked so well to resolve foot pain issues related to diabetes that I have purchased a pair for everyone in the family.  Pretty amazing product. - Bizrate Review

My feet used to hurt all the time and I'm sure being a diabetic didn't help matters, but once I got my insoles, that's changed!  I took 2 pairs of shoes to Israel with me where I did a lot of walking daily, and the day I forgot to put my insoles in my hiking and tennis shoes, I paid for it!  The next day, my feet were massaged back into happiness. - Facebook Review

I purchased foot relief insoles at the Sports & Outdoor show and I have had such relief from wearing these insoles.  I am purchasing a pair for my husband (diabetic) and daughter (plantar Fasciitis). T hank you for your wonderful product. - Customer Email

I Bought mine two years ago, best thing I could do.  I am type 2 diabetic.  I bought them in the afternoon and wore them all through the fair, a true test on concrete and asphalt.  I went home and took them out and dropped them on the hardwood floor and had my wife stand on them, she wanted a pair.  My son was at the fair the next day.  He got the wife a pair, his girlfriend a pair and myself another pair.  From work boots to dress shoes to tennis shoes I wear them in all, all the time.  We all wear them! - King Fisher - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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Drop Foot

Great relief for my husband who has a drop foot. - Bizrate Review

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I have been using Foot Relief Insoles since 2007.  I was given them as a gift from my adopted son.  He purchased them for me at a Stock Show and said workers that were at the booth highly recommended them to him and for me as well.  I've suffered from Fibromyalgia since 1996 and being overweight at the time didn't help matters I must admit.  Since wearing Foot Relief I don't even barely use my walker even now at 86 yrs old.  Thank you for such a fine product. - Nancy D. - BBB Review

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Flat Feet

We were at the rodeo in San Antonio.  The salesman was great in explaining the insoles over all the others we all have.  I was wearing boots put them in and didn't feel tired all day.  I did good all day.  I have flat feet and am a hairdresser and in my 60's.  Good job! - Square Customer Review

I highly recommend to anyone.  I have used them everyday and won't go without them.  I can walk all day with feet and legs are not hurting anymore being that I have flat feet and heel spurs.  They are awesome! - Bizrate Review

My name is Crystal T. and the reason I am contacting you is because one of my friends, a rheumatology fellow at Columbia Neha B. mentioned that she bought some insoles for her family members through you.  She said it was a great product and narrow enough to fit in dress shoes.  I'm flat footed and would love to be able to buy pair of these insoles if you still have them or know how I could get them.  I would greatly appreciate it! - Customer Email

Foot Relief Insoles were referred to me by a friend and have honestly changed my life.  I have flat feet and it's hard to find shoes that stay comfortable all day. Now with the insoles,  I can wear shoes and feel comfortable all day.  Worth the money, I highly recommend! - Facebook Review

I work on cement all day long and have to wear my insoles in all of my shoes!  I have flat feet so they help support my feet and make it less painful.  I have been wearing them for over a year now and I can't live without them.  I am buying another pair as well. - Vanessa Venable - Written Review - 8/4/2012

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Foot Fatigue

I cannot wait to get these!  I have purchased these before (from another merchant) and love them!  I ordered the insoles in the tan color as I already have a pair in black.  If you have never tried them, buy these!  Even if you don't have any back or foot issues, these help fight leg and foot fatigue. - Bizrate Review

Met these guys at Wisconsin state fair.  I am a vendor that stands on my feet for long periods of time.  I no longer experience the pain or fatigue I had without them.  Would recommend to anyone who is on their feet for long periods of time. - BBB Review

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Foot Massage

High quality insoles.  I love the massage my feet get all day long. - Bizrate Review

Love these insoles for foot massage and comfort. - Bizrate Review

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Foot Pain

Your insoles have been a huge gift to me. Ever since we purchased them at State Fair last year…there has been such great improvement in the pain in my feet. I am completely sold on them. Have recommended them to numerous people. You have a great company! Thank You again for the insoles! They will be used with much love! - Lisa H. - Mayo.edu - Customer Email - 5/28/2019

These inserts are great.  I have not had any pain in my feet since purchasing these. - Maxine - Email Testimony

Got my relief while at Houston Livestock and Rodeo.  Derek was great.  I haven’t had this kind of relief in awhile and it was almost instant as my feet were hurting at the time of purchase.  I will say he wasn’t kidding about the feet being sore the next day from adjusting to the insoles.  Thank you Derek. Square Customer

I found out about foot Relief Insoles through a relative.  I am very satisfied with the insoles.  I am not bothered with pain in my feet anymore.  Thank you so much. - Bizrate Review

They are great!  I lived with foot pain everyday until these. - Bizrate Review

We love these.  Purchased our first pair two plus years ago.  We both had been walking on concrete for days and didn't know if it was a hoax that they made you feel so much better, but these are the real deal.  Can't go with out them!  My husband broke his pair a month ago and has had sore feet ever since.  We can't wait to get the new ones under warranty so he will feel better. - Bizrate Review

I have a lot of foot problems and a friend recommended these.  I love them and have just ordered my third pair.  Thank you for a great product. - Bizrate Review

I really like the insoles.  I am a affiliate of Foot Relief Insoles and I made this purchase for someone that doesn't have internet access.  I will definitely recommend them to everyone.  They make all the difference in the world when walking on hard floors all day and if you have had or have lower back pain or foot problems once you try the Foot Relief Insoles you will not want to work another day without them I promise.  I have had both lower back problems and problems with both my feet and I was miserable at work until I purchased a pair of foot relief Insoles.  Now walking 10 hours a day is much easier.  They may not make you like your job any better but they will definitely make being there much easier. - Bizrate Review

I have had a pair for years and love them. (Getting kind of flat.)  I ordered another set for myself and one for my wife.  She has foot problems as well and if I can get her to wear them, I think they will help her. - Bizrate Review

The best I have found for my foot problems.  This was a reorder.  Easy to order from, was a pleasure. - Bizrate Review

I cannot wait to get these! I have purchased these before (from another merchant) and love them!  I ordered the insoles in the tan color as I already have a pair in black.  If you have never tried them, buy these!  Even if you don't have any back or foot issues, these help fight leg and foot fatigue. - Bizrate Review

Buying the foot relief insoles is probably one of the best investments I have personally made.  After being on your feet for almost fifteen hours and your feet throbbing because they hurt so bad and then being on the insoles for ten minutes and all the pain and throbbing in my feet going and feeling like I could go another ten to fifteen hours is AWESOME.  Foot relief is an awesome product.  My son and my wife got them yesterday.  My son wears orthotics and hopefully foot relief will help not have to wear orthotics anymore.  Thank you foot relief. - Square Customer

Foot Relief insoles have taken the pain completely out of my feet.  I can be on my feet all day and have no pain when I get home.  Wouldn't go anywhere without them. - Bizrate Review

I still have pain in my feet, but it isn't as bad as before when I did not have the Foot Relief Insoles. - Bizrate Review

I purchased some of these insoles for my husband and I during a show that Foot Relief had in Oklahoma.  We both love them.  I Have had much foot and leg pain in the past, and these have helped tremendously! - Bizrate Review

I have a bad foot these insoles are the only ones that I have ever felt any relief from. - Bizrate Review

I bought my first pair from Ted at For the Health It in Pigeon Forge.  He is great to work with by the way.  They have worked so well to resolve foot pain issues related to diabetes that I have purchased a pair for everyone in the family.  Pretty amazing product. - Bizrate Review

Bought these at Rodeo yesterday.  Best investment ever for broken ankles and foot issue.  Anyone who stands or works on their feet all day, these are for you.  Goes over flip flop also!  Worth the money and has a two year warranty! 5 stars for me! - Facebook Timeline Post

Foot relief insoles changed my life.  I was hobbling around from podiatrist to physical therapist, cursing the plantar fasciitis pain that kept me from enjoying my previous active lifestyle.  I put my first pair in my shoes and could not believe that I was able to traipse around the fairgrounds for the entire day without excruciating pain.  Within a week I had purchased four more pairs for loved ones who also struggled with various foot discomfort. I love this product! - Bizrate Review

This is the only product that has ever helped with my foot pain. - Bizrate Review

I have been telling all friends and family how great they are.  I am buying a pair for my sister tonight. She really needs them.  She fell and broke her foot very badly a year ago.  I think they will really help with the problems she still has.  Thank you for such a great product. - Bizrate Review

I purchased a pair of Food Relief Insoles for my shoes at a Science Convention three years ago.  I am a teacher and the relief I felt wearing these insoles was instant!  I saved the package so when I needed a new pair I could order online as needed.  I liked these insoles so much that I also purchased a pair for my husband and sister who suffer from sore backs and foot pain too.  I am confident they will notice a big difference when they add the Foot Relief Insoles into their shoes. - Bizrate Review

My husband used these and got instant relief from using them.  He suffered from heel pain and general foot pain.  I look forward to their arrival for the same reason for me.  I have very severe heel pain which needs some relief. - Bizrate Review

They are great!  Most comfortable insoles I have ever worn!  Really help with my foot pain! - Bizrate Review

My husband had always had problems with his feet hurting.  We purchased his first pair at the Oklahoma State Fair and now I have ordered him a second pair.  We recommend them to everyone we know.  I work in the medical field and tell everyone that complains of any type of foot pain to try these and they will be amazed at the difference.  Very good product. - Bizrate Review

The Foot Relief Soles have really made a difference.  They have decreased the pain in my feet tremendously.  I can now walk my grand daughter to the park without pain. - Bizrate Review

Hi, My name is Natalie.  I have been wearing your insoles for about 5 years and I can't even begin to express how wonderful they are.  I work in a factory and I'm on my feet at least 8 hours, sometimes 10 hours a day.  Before I started wearing them I could barely walk at the end of the day.  My feet hurt, my back hurt, my knees and everything else.  Within 5 minutes of wearing them I noticed a substantial difference.  I tried another popular brand of gel insoles and they didn't work at all.  I tried this product and highly recommend them to anyone.  I tell all my co-workers to try them every time they complain about sore feet. - Customer Voicemail Transcript.

Thank you.  These insoles are the $%&!.  When I saw all the people buying them I just had to try them as I have pain in my feet from arthritis.  But with these insoles I have no pain.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

Yes, my name is Kathy and my boyfriend is currently in construction and has been wearing the Foot Relief Insoles for 2 years.  He has pain from being on his feet for long hours, 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, so these are definitely helping.  It is changed his life.  These don't compare to anything else that's on the market.  We just wanted to say thank you so much and to say we are enjoying them.  Thank you so much. - Customer Voicemail Transcript

This is Mary and I've worn them for about 3 years.  I am a nurse. I stand on my feet all day long for long hours.  After I got Foot Relief Insoles my feet and my back didn't hurt anymore.  I did have an issue where one of them broke after 3 years but I had actually bought two pair at the time.  When I was without them for a little bit I could really realize how much they help.  I would recommend them to anybody.  I'm ordering more online today.  I can definitely tell if I don't have a pair in my shoes.  I absolutely wear them when I work.  Thank you. - Customer Voicemail Transcript

My feet and legs killed me.  My husband got me a pair and I'm telling all my friends about them.  I won't put a pair of shoes on without them. - Bizrate Review

I have been using these for a couple of months now and will not go without them.  I have been having a lot of foot pain the last 6 months and these really help. - Bizrate Review

I currently wear Foot Relief Insoles.  They help my foot pain extremely well. I am purchasing a pair for my daughter & husband.  Thank you for your great product. - Bizrate Review

I bought my first pair 9/2010.  I have not worn my orthotics since!  These are amazing.  Love them.  No foot pain at all and so comfortable compared to the hard plastic orthotics! - Bizrate Review

Foot relief Insoles have relived my foot pain better than any other Insole I've tried, and I've tried all the other I could find. - Bizrate Review

I use hard plastic inserts in my shoes so my feet are always in pain, I can even put these over the inserts and causes a relaxing massage over my foot bring instant relief.  Would recommend this product to anybody and also ordered a second pair as a gift.  I have a replaced knee and it seems to take the edge off of it when walking.  Working as a caregiver and always on my feet I welcome anything that aids me through the day. - Jesse B. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/1/2019

I absolutely love my Foot Relief Insoles!  They are the best I have ever tried.  No more pain.  I've been using them for over 2 years! I do a lot of walking and standing at my small ranch training horses.  The pain was unbearable.  With foot Relief Insoles I can be on my feet all day pain free.  My only regret is that I didn't buy several pair when I first tried them.  Today I invested in 2 more pair so that I can put them in all the shoes I wear.  Lol - Facebook Review

I got my first pair of insoles 5-6 years ago at a state fair and never go without them.  They are amazing for foot and leg pain.  Combining these with a good pair of shoes is exactly what you need if you have any foot problems.  I am so excited to get my new ones! I'm on my feet all day and I love walking and these insoles have made it possible to continue doing these.  Thanks! - Facebook Review

I started having lots of feet problems, and being a teacher, I struggled working.  I bought these insoles at a market at the state fair 5-6 years ago and have been wearing them ever since.  My feet and leg pain disappeared and I was so excited.  My daughter also started wearing them and, being a dancer, was having issues and pain with her feet.  After she started wearing these she also had immediate relief.  My insoles have now been depleted and I am excited to get my new ones.  Thank You! - BBB Review

Met these guys at Wisconsin state fair.  I am a vendor that stands on my feet for long periods of time.   I no longer experience the pain or fatigue I had without them.  Would recommend to anyone who is on their feet for long periods of time. - BBB Review

It was at the LA county fairgrounds that I first tried foot relief insoles.  At first it felt strange but within a few minutes after inserting them in my shoe, the pain in my foot, heel, and ankles from walking all day diminished.  Still I wasn't too sure about buying it but the nice sales person assured me it was worth a try.  Fast forward two years and I'm still wearing my insoles!  I bought another pair since and honestly my feet can't live without them!  I made a mistake of not wearing them one day and yes, my feet hurt. Foot relief insoles, their name says it all. I don't leave the house without FRI in my shoes.  Thank you FRI! - BBB Review

A friend told me about your product, because he knew that I had pain in my feet for the last 9 months.  I purchased an extra pair of insoles that he had purchased from you.  In 10 days my foot pain was gone. - Customer Email

They Work.  These insoles really made a difference in my foot pain.  I am walking on a gel cloud now. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Foot relief Insoles have relived my foot pain better than any other Insole I've tried, and I've tried all the others I could find. - Customer Email

On my feet all day training horses and as a waitress.  With these insoles I've never had knee, foot, or back pain after all day on my feet.  Been wearing them for going on 3 years and will keep wearing them. - Brianna - Written Review - 3/10/2012

The Foot Relief Insoles are by far the best insoles I ever bought.  I work between 8-15 hours a day and my feet, what can I say, my feet are great.  They don't hurt, my legs are not tired, they are great.  Thank you for making these.  You won't regret buying them. - Shanda P. - Written Review - 3/18/2012

I work on cement all day long and have to wear my insoles in all of my shoes!  I have flat feet so they help support my feet and make it less painful.  I have been wearing them for over a year now and I can't live without them.  I am buying another pair as well. - Vanessa Venable - Written Review - 8/4/2012

Love my insoles!  My feet take me everywhere in comfort with no back ache, leg or foot pain.  Honest.  Thank you for your invention - it saved my life. (not our invention but our design. We appreciate your reveiw.) - Chris Meyer - Written Review - 8/5/2012

I have had a lot of foot pain all my life.  Since I have been wearing these I have less pain and can do my walking better.  My knees and feet feel better. - Wanda Bailey - Written Review - 9/18/2012

Tried these for the first time a year ago when I purchased them at the State Fair.  I must say that they have been amazing compared to so many others I have used.  I'm on my feet all day at work and I must say these have been a great source of relief.  The year I brought my wife and daughter back to purchase these same insoles for them.  I strongly recommend these to anyone who suffers from foot pain. - Ron Nita - Written Review - 8/24/2014

I bought them at the fair this morning at 11 am.  I walked around all day, now it is 6 pm and I have had no pain in my reconstructed left foot. - Josh - Written Review - 9/11/2014

I bought these insoles, still being a little skeptical about them.  I use these everyday to run.  They stay in place well and are very comfortable.  The pain I was feeling when running in my knees has reduced dramatically and the pain in my feet is gone on longer runs.  I have been using my insoles since 9/2013 - Jeremy - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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Heel Pain

I tried your insoles and they helped my heel so much that I had to call and order more.  They are fantastic!  I want to send them to my orthopedic surgeon.  These are the best insoles I have ever worn. Kim - Texas - Voicemail Audio Testimony

Excellent Customer Service and great product.  Instant relief of heel pain.  Thank for a great product. - Square Customer

Had these for a little over a year and one finally leaked somehow..... BUT these have done GREAT things to my feet to enable me to lose weight and actually get rid of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis that I've had bad!  Doing without shots and just these soles alone have given me the strength to lose 40 lbs and feel great to the point of being able to get back on my feet and live!  Thank You Guys for a great product.  Can I PLEASE have a replacement set? - Customer Email (Customer received a replacement under warranty.  We have since made the insoles stronger.)

My husband used these and got instant relief from using them.  He suffered from heel pain and general foot pain.  I look forward to their arrival for the same reason for me.  I have very severe heel pain which needs some relief. - Bizrate Review

It was at the LA county fairgrounds that I first tried foot relief insoles.  At first it felt strange but within a few minutes after inserting them in my shoe, the pain in my foot, heel, and ankles from walking all day diminished.  Still I wasn't too sure about buying it but the nice sales person assured me it was worth a try.  Fast forward two years and I'm still wearing my insoles!  I bought another pair since and honestly my feet can't live without them!  I made a mistake of not wearing them one day and yes, my feet hurt.  Foot relief insoles, their name says it all.  I don't leave the house without FRI in my shoes.  Thank you FRI! - BBB Review

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Heel Spurs

I got my first pair at the fair.  I have bone spurs in both heels and I had only been there 10 minutes when my feet started hurting so bad.  I came across your booth and the salesman said put these in your shoes and walk.  Needless to say I bought them and was able to stay another 8 hours they have been a life saver.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I purchased my first pair of insoles approximately a month and a half ago and they have been the best relief that I have ever gotten from knee pain and heel spurs!  Definitely going to promote these! - Bizrate Review

Had these for a little over a year and one finally leaked somehow..... BUT these have done GREAT things to my feet to enable me to lose weight and actually get rid of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis that I've had bad!  Doing without shots and just these soles alone have given me the strength to lose 40 lbs and feel great to the point of being able to get back on my feet and live!  Thank You Guys for a great product.  Can I PLEASE have a replacement set? - Customer Email (Customer received a replacement under warranty.  We have since improved the strength of the insoles.)

I highly recommend to anyone.  I have used them everyday and won't go without them.  I can walk all day with feet and legs are not hurting anymore being that I have flat feet and heel spurs.  They are awesome! - Bizrate Review

I have used this product for 2 years and have been very pleased.  After having knee surgery I developed a heel spur and plantars fasciitis.  This product dissolved the bone spur and kept me from having surgery.  This is a must buy product. - A.B. - Written Review - 3/11/2012

I started using Foot Relief last year and they were wonderful!  Since I had a problem with heel spurs the gel was a comfort to my feet.  I strongly recommend Foot Relief. -L.G. - Written Review - 3/12/2012

When I was diagnosed with lupus my husband bought them for me.  They have relieved all of my back and heel spurs.  They are amazing.  I even have used it during my pregnancy.  Truly wonderful. - Angelica Garcia - Written Review - 3/14/2012

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High Heels

I've worn the insoles for over a year and my feet feel fantastic!  I'm a bartender wearing high heels 8+ hours a day.  I notice the difference if I forget to put the insoles
in my shoes! - Stacy Smith - Written Review - 8/5/2012

I bought my first pair of insoles at a trade show 7 years ago.  I loved them and wore them to work in my high heels every day.  For the last year I have been at home with my baby boy and my feet have been aching.  My dad suggested arch supports and I remembered I had these insoles. - Bizrate Review

I've had my pair of Foot Relief Insoles for a year.  I love them! I switch them in and out of my shoes from boots to heels! I can wear heels again.  I use to have problems with the arch of my foot.  Now I don't have any discomfort. I can stand for hours, at least 12 and not have as much pain in the end.  They even help me dance the night away.  I love them and recommend them to all. - Araceli Lopez - Written Review - 3/17/2012

In 2010 I purchased a pair of Foot Relief Insoles and wear them on a regular basis and I can really feel a difference even after a couple of years.  My feet don't hurt and I don't get as tired.  Best thing is they go in any pair of shoes I have.  Even high heels. - L. Brandon - Written Review - 3/13/2012

Comfortable!  I like them, they do what I want them to.  Wished that they had been thicker, but they sure work in all my shoes and I love them!  I bought them to wear in heels since they are so flexible, and they do their job well, supporting where they need to. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since made a sports insole which is thicker and has more cushion) - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

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Hip Pain

I bought a pair for me and a pair for my husband at the Mancuso Quilt Show in West Palm Beach Florida.  Does that entitle me to enter for two chances to win a free pair?  My husband resisted even trying the insoles but finally did and now his ankle pain and his hip pain are GONE! - Customer Email

I use to have pain in my hips and since I have been using the Foot Relief insoles I can walk and walk and feel almost no pain.  I really do recommend them. - Bizrate Review

Wore them for 2 hours at the fair.  Felt it in my hips!  They are really changing how I walk.  Did a lot of walking, but my arthritic knees did not complain! - Square Customer

I am new at trying these.  They were recommended by a friend of ours.  I have had back surgeries and have arthritis in my spine and hips so I am trying them for the first time. - Bizrate Review

I bought a pair of these liquid soles at Fort Worth and I am very happy with the results.  The back pain and leg pain are gone.  I would recommend this product to any one with back, leg, or hip problems. On a scale of 1-10, A-10 for sure.  Thank you. - Justin - Customer Email

I purchased a pair of your insoles for my 14 year old daughter and a pair for myself at the Quarter Horse Congress this year.  I can tell you that I began to feel relief within the first 30 minutes of using them.  I have had chronic back problems since I was in high school.  I have had leg and hip problems for the last ten years.  Since I have been using your product I have not had any of these issues.  What a great way to live, no more going to the doctor, taking pain killers etc.  What is really terrific is that I am able to do so much that before caused me to be in pain.  I have also experienced increased energy.  Your product is absolutely fabulous.  You have a committed life long customer and spokesman for foot Relief Insoles.  PS: your salesman at the Congress was really great.  He told me to try them and if I didn't like them he would take them back.  You couldn't get me to give them back.  Thank You - It is great to have all this relief and comfort.  Sincerely,  - Peter J. Plants - Customer Email

On Sept 18th I went to the LA Fair.  I usually use a scooter, but didn't because we got there late and I thought I could handle it.  It was toward the end of the night when we were picking up things in your building.  Anyway I came by your booth and the men there were so nice.  They said just try, we don't care if you buy or not.  Well instantly my feet felt better.  I have had 6 foot surgeries, both knees replaced and 1 hip replaced.  My back hurts but I am not ready for anyone to work on my back.  As soon has the soles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body feel so much better.  My feet don't hurt at all, and I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works.  Ladine Sims - Customer Email

I went to the Minnesota State Fair and after some time of walking around, I started to experience hip pain and my feet were really tired!  I stopped at the Foot Relief Insoles booth and purchased a pair of insoles.  After a little bit of walking with my new insoles in, my foot pain and hip pain went away!  It felt like I was walking on clouds!  It made my experience at the fair so much better!  Thank you!! - Facebook Post

They work really good!  Highly recommend them!  They made my feet feel better, plus my hip pain I was experiencing from all the walking I was doing, went away! - Facebook Review

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Joint Pain

I am a nurse and have been using these insoles for over a year.  I bought my second pair at the Houston Rodeo and put them in the boots I was wearing.  I immediately felt like I could walk for many more hours.  I also have RA.  These insoles have helped to lessen my joint pain in my feet, knees, and back.  I bought a pair for my niece who is a waitress.  I recommend these insoles to all my nursing friends.  - Kenna W. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/4/2019

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Knee Pain

As soon as I walked for about 10 minutes my knee did not hurt. I walked back to the booth just to tell them.  I am awaiting surgery on my meniscus but I'm not sure if I need to have that done anymore!  It's amazing.  Thank you very much.  - Cris Kurby - California

On my third day of the expo I found the Insoles, bought them, and I spent the fourth day pain free.  My knees were great, my feet had a spring in their step, and I am really happy to have these insoles.  Thanks so much for a great product. Sheryl - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I am a housewife and a teacher and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful these Foot Relief Insoles are!  I have had two knee replacements and I have severe arthritis in my left foot.  I have tried many insoles and have spent hundreds of dollars but these give me more relief than any insole ever has.  I can't go without them.  You feel like you are floating on air.  I never dreamed this thin insole would make so much of a difference in my health.  They have tremendously  Helped my knee healing.  I recommend them to anyone who is willing to try them. - June - Arkansas - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I absolutely love these insoles!  They have been the best thing to ever happen for my knees! Goodbye knee pain! - BizRate Review

This is my third pair. I have knees that need replacing, so these insoles are more beneficial than ever.  I consider them an absolute "must have", and recommend them regularly to my friends. - Bizrate Review

This will be my third pair.  I find them truly helpful in compensating for the lack of cushioning in my knees. - Bizrate Review

I was surprised that the insoles relieved knee pain. - Bizrate Review

Great insoles!  Provided wonderful relief for knee pain while walking all day. Highly recommend. - Bizrate Review

Wore them for 2 hours at the fair.  Felt it in my hips!  They are really changing how I walk.  Did a lot of walking, but my arthritic knees did not complain! - Square Customer

I did not realize how much support I was receiving from the product until one insole developed a leak.  Back & knee pain resumed. - Bizrate Review (Of course we replaced this insole under our 2 year warranty)

I purchased my first pair of insoles approximately a month and a half ago and they have been the best relief that I have ever gotten from knee pain and heel spurs!  Definitely going to promote these! - Bizrate Review

Hi, My name is Natalie.  I have been wearing your insoles for about 5 years and I can't even begin to express how wonderful they are.  I work in a factory and I'm on my feet at least 8 hours, sometimes 10 hours a day.  Before I started wearing them I could barely walk at the end of the day.  My feet hurt, my back hurt, my knees and everything else.  Within 5 minutes of wearing them I noticed a substantial difference.  I tried another popular brand of gel insoles and they didn't work at all.  I tried this product and highly recommend them to anyone.  I tell all my co-workers to try them every time they complain about sore feet. - Customer Voicemail Transcript.

Foot Relief insoles have been a life saver.  I have bad knees and a bad ankle and since my first pair of insoles that I purchased in February I have had little to no trouble with my knees or ankle. - Bizrate Review

I absolutely love these insoles!  They have been the best thing to ever happen for my knees! Goodbye knee pain! - Bizrate Review

I just bought a pair of insoles they are fantastic, in fact I'm telling everyone about them and actually taking my shoe off and showing them.  I have sent four people to the Umatilla County Fair Hermiston OR. I am 73, have Arthritis in my ankles, have had both knees replaced, have arthritis all up and down my spine.  I walked around the fair and they felt so good that I went back the next day and walked some more.  Thank You for making my life more livable. - Mary - Customer Email

I can not believe that my knee doesn't hurt anymore.  Thank you so much! - Customer Email

On Sept 18th I went to the LA Fair.  I usually use a scooter, but didn't because we got there late and I thought I could handle it.  It was toward the end of the night when we were picking up things in your building.  Anyway I came by your booth and the men there were so nice.  They said just try, we don't care if you buy or not. Well instantly my feet felt better.  I have had 6 foot surgeries, both knees replaced and 1 hip replaced.  My back hurts but I am not ready for anyone to work on my back.  As soon has the soles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body feel so much better.  My feet don't hurt at all, and I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works. Ladine Sims - Customer Email

I am a nurse and have been using these insoles for over a year.  I bought my second pair at the Houston Rodeo and put them in the boots I was wearing.  I immediately felt like I could walk for many more hours.  I also have RA.  These insoles have helped to lessen my joint pain in my feet, knees, and back.  I bought a pair for my niece who is a waitress.  I recommend these insoles to all my nursing friends. Kenna W. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/4/2019

Great on knees.  Took away the knee pain, very great shock absorbers. - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

My feet and knees kill me.  Always have.  These are the only insoles I've used that make a lasting difference.  They make it a joy to stand and work again.  No hyperbole here. If your feet hurt, get em.  I know they are expensive but you get what you pay for. - Kendall Montgomery - Amazon Review - 5 Stars

I have used the insoles for about 30 days.  I have bad knees and at the end of the day my knees are not sore with the insoles.  They really do work on my feet as well. - Larry R. - Written Review - 3/7/2012

On my feet all day training horses and as a waitress.  With these insoles I've never had knee, foot, or back pain after all day on my feet.  Been wearing them for going on 3 years and will keep wearing them. - Brianna - Written Review - 3/10/2012

I have used this product for 2 years and have been very pleased.  After having knee surgery I developed a heel spur and plantars fasciitis.  This product dissolved the bone spur and kept me from having surgery.  This is a must buy product. - A.B. - Written Review - 3/11/2012

After using these insoles for a few days I have never felt better.  I no longer have the pains in the knees from surgery. I will not ever regret this purchase. - J.W. - Written Review - 8/11/2012

I have had a lot of foot pain all my life.  Since I have been wearing these I have less pain and can do my walking better.  My knees and feet feel better. - Wanda Bailey - Written Review - 9/18/2012

I bought these insoles, still being a little skeptical about them.  I use these everyday to run.  They stay in place well and are very comfortable.  The pain I was feeling when running in my knees has reduced dramatically and the pain in my feet is gone on longer runs.  I have been using my insoles since 9/2013 - Jeremy - Written Review - 9/14/2014

Me and my husband have been walking around the fair since noon and its 5pm and our feet, knees, and backs do NOT hurt like usual!  Amazing - Anonymous - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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Leg Cramps

I purchased mine at the Paducah Quilt Show.  After I returned home I ordered a pair for my husband and a friend with neuropathy.  I also ordered another pair for myself.  I haven't had leg cramps since I put the first pair in my shoes at the show. - Bizrate Review

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Leg Pain

I purchased some of these insoles for my husband and I during a show that Foot Relief had in Oklahoma.  We both love them.  I Have had much foot and leg pain in the past, and these have helped tremendously! - BizRate Review

I cannot wait to get these!  I have purchased these before (from another merchant) and love them!  I ordered the insoles in the tan color as I already have a pair in black.  If you have never tried them, buy these!  Even if you don't have any back or foot issues, these help fight leg and foot fatigue. - Bizrate Review

My lower back used to ache a lot after going out for walks.  When I started wearing these gel insoles, it did take a few weeks for my leg muscles to adjust.  After those first weeks though, these soles have done wonders in helping my back pain.  It doesn't hurt anymore when I go walking and I don't leave home without the soles.  I've been wearing them now for about 3-4 years. - Bizrate Review

I have worn this type of insole for several years, and feel they have been very beneficial to my feet and legs.  I am an RN and on my feet all day and have trained for 3 half marathons which I have done over the past couple of years.  I used to experience achy legs, plantar fasciitis, etc., but have not had these issues since using these insoles.  I had problems with some other websites where I had ordered this type of insole (price went way up, insoles leaked), but have been very satisfied with the quality and price from "Foot Relief Insoles" out of Modesto.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I bought a pair of these liquid soles at Fort Worth Gun Show and I am very happy with the results.  The back pain and leg pain are gone.  I would recommend this product to any one with back, leg, or hip problems.  On a scale of 1-10, A-10 for sure.  Thank you. Justin - Customer Review

My feet and legs killed me.  My husband got me a pair and I'm telling all my friends about them.  I won't put a pair of shoes on without them. - Bizrate Review

I purchased a pair of your insoles for my 14 year old daughter and a pair for myself at the Quarter Horse Congress this year.  I can tell you that I began to feel relief within the first 30 minutes of using them.  I have had chronic back problems since I was in high school.  I have had leg and hip problems for the last ten years.  Since I have been using your product I have not had any of these issues.  What a great way to live, no more going to the doctor, taking pain killers etc.  What is really terrific is that I am able to do so much that before caused me to be in pain.  I have also experienced increased energy.  Your product is absolutely fabulous.  You have a committed life long customer and spokesman for foot Relief Insoles.  PS: your salesman at the Congress was really great.  He told me to try them and if I didn't like them he would take them back.  You couldn't get me to give them back.  Thank You - It is great to have all this relief and comfort. Sincerely, - Peter J. Plants - Customer Email

I got my first pair of insoles 5-6 years ago at a state fair and never go without them.  They are amazing for foot and leg pain.  Combining these with a good pair of shoes is exactly what you need if you have any foot problems.  I am so excited to get my new ones!  I'm on my feet all day and I love walking and these insoles have made it possible to continue doing these.  Thanks! - Facebook Review

I started having lots of feet problems, and being a teacher, I struggled working.  I bought these insoles at a market at the state fair 5-6 years ago and have been wearing them ever since.  My feet and leg pain disappeared and I was so excited.  My daughter also started wearing them and, being a dancer, was having issues and pain with her feet.  After she started wearing these she also had immediate relief.  My insoles have now been depleted and I am excited to get my new ones.  Thank You! - BBB Review

Best Relief Insoles.  I stand for eight hours for my job and these insoles are the best insoles that I've ever used.  My feet and legs feel less sore and my feet stay cool. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

The Foot Relief Insoles are by far the best insoles I ever bought.  I work between 8-15 hours a day and my feet, what can I say, my feet are great.  They don't hurt, my legs are not tired, they are great.  Thank you for making these.  You won't regret buying them. - Shanda P. - Written Review - 3/18/2012

Love my insoles!  My feet take me everywhere in comfort with no back ache, leg or foot pain.  Honest.  Thank you for your invention - it saved my life. (not our invention but our design. We appreciate your reveiw.) - Chris Meyer - Written Review - 8/5/2012

I bought 4 years ago a pair of Foot Relief.  I can't wait for the fair.  The inserts relieve my back and legs.  They are the greatest. - Annette Stannard - Written Review - 8/7/2012

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Never have I had an insole relieve so much pain for me.  I have Lupus and have been using these for 4 years as of 2010 and I cannot walk without them!  Will gladly tell all my friends about these.  Thanks! - Facebook Review

When I was diagnosed with lupus my husband bought them for me.  They have relieved all of my back and heel spurs.  They are amazing.  I even have used it during my pregnancy.  Truly wonderful. - Angelica Garcia - Written Review - 3/14/2012

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Morton's Neuroma

I have Morton's Neuroma and these insoles really give relief when walking.  I will be purchasing another pair to have for other shoes.  Thank you for this good product. - Bizrate Review

Helps a lot with foot neuroma issues. - Bizrate Review

I had another brand that blew up in 2-3 months.  Not the case with these.  Now I have no problems with my Mortens Neuroma and tendonitis along with my back aches.  I feel much better.  Love these inserts! - Nicholas N. - Written Review - 8/7/2012

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Great product.  I recommend this to my neuropathy patients.
- R.S - rehabspecialistsmi.com - Bizrate Review

I purchased mine at the Paducah Quilt Show.  After I returned home I ordered a pair for my husband and a friend with neuropathy.  I also ordered another pair for myself.  I haven't had leg cramps since I put the first pair in my shoes at the show. - Bizrate Review

The insoles are fantastic for my feet.  I have neuropathy and these insoles make my feet cooler and more comfortable every day.  I buy a new pair every year and I love them. - Sandy - Written Review - 9/14/14

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Numb Feet

I tried the insoles because my right foot kept going numb and was hurting.  It was just perfect!  They took away the soreness.  I got relief and my foot stopped bothering me!  Carolyn Adams - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

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I have worn Foot Relief Insoles for several years and I love them!  I am a nurse and wear them every day whether I am at work or at home! - Bizrate Review

I am a nurse and am on my feet for 8 hours plus a day.  The Foot Relief Insoles are a LIFE SAVER.  I would and have recommended them to others.  My husband is on his second pair and he doesn't wear shoes without his inserts in them.  100% satisfaction. - Bizrate Review

My husband had always had problems with his feet hurting.  We purchased his first pair at the Oklahoma State Fair and now I have ordered him a second pair.  We recommend them to everyone we know.  I work in the medical field and tell everyone that complains of any type of foot pain to try these and they will be amazed at the difference.  Very good product. - Bizrate Review

Greatest shoe insole ever.  I'm a nurse and I'm on my feet all day on hard floors.  With the Foot Relief Insoles it's like I'm walking on clouds.  Amazing, all my friends now have them. - Bizrate Review

I am on my feet all night as a nurse and when the insoles wore out my feet started aching again and they had not been aching. - Bizrate Review

This is Mary and I've worn them for about 3 years.  I am a nurse.  I stand on my feet all day long for long hours.  After I got Foot Relief Insoles my feet and my back didn't hurt anymore.  I did have an issue where one of them broke after 3 years but I had actually bought two pair at the time.  When I was without them for a little bit I could really realize how much they help.  I would recommend them to anybody.  I'm ordering more online today.  I can definitely tell if I don't have a pair in my shoes.  I absolutely wear them when I work.  Thank you. - Customer Voicemail Transcript

I have worn this type of insole for several years, and feel they have been very beneficial to my feet and legs.  I am an RN and on my feet all day and have trained for 3 half marathons which I have done over the past couple of years.  I used to experience achy legs, plantar fasciitis, etc., but have not had these issues since using these insoles.  I had problems with some other websites where I had ordered this type of insole (price went way up, insoles leaked), but have been very satisfied with the quality and price from "Foot Relief Insoles" out of Modesto.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I am a nurse and have been using these insoles for over a year.  I bought my second pair at the Houston Rodeo and put them in the boots I was wearing.  I immediately felt like I could walk for many more hours.  I also have RA. These insoles have helped to lessen my joint pain in my feet, knees, and back.  I bought a pair for my niece who is a waitress.  I recommend these insoles to all my nursing friends.  - Kenna W. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/4/2019

I love these insoles! I’m a lab tech and I’m always on my feet.  I have plantar fasciitis which causes me a lot of pain.  When I wear these inserts that pain goes away.  I’ve been wearing foot relief insoles for five years and I will be wearing them for the next fifty. - Facebook Post

These have saved my feet, legs, and back.  I am a nurse and have tried so many insoles.  These are the best. - Facebook Post

I am an Emergency Nurse Practitioner and spend 12 hours a day on hard concrete hospital floors.  These insoles were a life saver.  Especially when my plantar fasciitis flared up. - Karen DuBose ENP - Written Review - 3/15/2012

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I bought my first pair 9/2010.  I have not worn my orthotics since!  These are amazing.  Love them.  No foot pain at all and so comfortable compared to the hard plastic orthotics! - Bizrate Review

My feet were hurting really bad before I got Foot Relief Insoles.  I had gone to the doctor and paid over $500.00 for a pair of orthotics and they did not work.  As soon as I put your insoles in, my first few steps felt like I was walking on heaven.  I am a true believer.  These are the greatest things invented since the wheel!  I am going to wear these for the rest of my life.  They are great.  I am very happy. - McCann Taylor - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I am a pharmacist, who works standing on my feet all day!  I have practiced for over 36 years.  I developed Plantar Fasciitis and was told to obtain custom orthotics.  I discovered Foot Relief Insoles and they have REPLACED my custom orthotics!  No more pain anywhere!  I prefer to use these insoles in my shoes for work, exercise and especially for leisure and traveling.  They transport easily and fit all of my shoe types.  I recommend these insoles to all of my patients, friends and family.  Lani A. Owyoung, Doctorate in Pharmacy - Customer Email

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am enjoying them.  I usually wear orthotics but I took those out and now I am just wearing the Foot Relief Insoles.  I have plantar fasciitis and these are working well to massage that out.  I am feeling a lot less pain. Chris Esquinolas - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

Heard about you at a flea market in TN that we attended for 3 days.  Nice young man was selling these across from us.  My husband talked with him for awhile.  He liked what he had to say plus what he read in the pamphlet.  My husband told me I should get a pair.  I was not willing at first.  I went and talked to him awhile myself.  At the end of the first day, still not sure I bought a pair.  We stand all day in our booth and at the end of the day my legs and feet just have it.  Saturday I was still not sure if I noticed anything different but I sure did by the end of the day.  I was still able to walk.  Feet still burned some but nothing like they usually did.  I was able to do something that evening.  I talked to the young man again on Sunday after I ran across another booth selling a different brand and asked him the difference.  He told me and I should have taken notes for I do not remember what he said.  Big mistake on my part.  After being home for a few weeks I told my husband that this would be good for him to sell these in his office as well.  He is a chiropractor.  He has orthotics that he forms to patients feet when they need correction and he was not to sure, but I read that you can wear these with orthotics as well.  These have really helped my feet and legs so I know personally it will help others.  Plus I do the flea markets and festivals and this might be something I believe would sell since I seen the results myself. - Customer Email

I tried to leave a message on the number to say that I love the inserts.  I paid $350 for inserts from a doctor and they did not work at all.  I saw these at the LA county fair and I put them in my shoes and in a matter of 15 minutes my feet feel fabulous!  I could now run walk and do what I used to do. - Customer Email

I use hard plastic inserts in my shoes so my feet are always in pain, I can even put these over the inserts and causes a relaxing massage over my foot bring instant relief.  Would recommend this product to anybody and also ordered a second pair as a gift.  I have a replaced knee and it seems to take the edge off of it when walking.  Working as a caregiver and always on my feet I welcome anything that aids me through the day. - Facebook Post

My name is Dave H. Jr. and in 2005 I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident and shattered my left ankle.  While on my motorcycle a drunk driver slammed me into a guard rail and took off and the police could never locate the driver of the vehicle.  I was told in the hospital that I would have limited mobility in my left ankle and maybe never walk again on it.  But I wouldn't let that happen.  Within 5 months I was out of the wheel chair and hobbling along without a walking boot.  I don't let anything slow me down.  I am a father of three and I need to be there for my kids and wife.  I have a special orthotic made that makes a difference in my life but when I was introduced to your Foot Relief Insoles at the stock show in 2012 it changed the way my feet felt.  Trust me, I have had a lot of insoles in the past and paid high dollar just to be disappointed in how long they lasted.  When I put the insoles in my shoes at the stock show I felt that I was floating on air.  I have never taken them out of my shoes since.  I even had my wife order her some and I another pair and my mother and sister ordered some too and they loved them.  Thank you. Dave H. Jr. - Customer Letter

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Plantar Fasciitis

I am a pharmacist, who works standing on my feet all day!  I have practiced for over 36 years.  I developed Plantar Fasciitis and was told to obtain custom orthotics.  I discovered Foot Relief Insoles and they have REPLACED my custom orthotics!  No more pain anywhere!  I prefer to use these insoles in my shoes for work, exercise and especially for leisure and traveling.  They transport easily and fit all of my shoe types.  I recommend these insoles to all of my patients, friends and family. - Lani A. Owyoung, Doctorate in Pharmacy - Customer Email

I am a mail carrier for the United States Postal Service.  My pain was right foot plantar fasciitis radiating all the way up to my knee.  After several hours of walking the plantar fasciitis pain diminished to almost nothing!  Thank You.  Dee - USPS - Voicemail Audio Testimony

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am enjoying them.  I usually wear orthotics but I took those out and now I am just wearing the Foot Relief Insoles.  I have plantar fasciitis and these are working well to massage that out.  I am feeling a lot less pain. - Chris Esquinolas - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I wanted to add an additional comment now that I've been wearing them for a few weeks.  I just wanted to say these things have literally changed my life.  I have plantar fasciitis and standing for long periods of times were very difficult for me.  These insoles have made it so I barely even feel any pain anymore; I have tried everything from custom inserts to about 20 other insoles and these are the only ones that have made such a huge difference to the point where I can walk and stand again.  I would highly recommend these to anybody and certainly will.  Thanks again. - Square Customer

I wear these everyday and have several pair.  I have plantar fasciitis in my right foot and these insoles have been a life saver!  I wear them every day and they have been an integral part of my treatment and healing process.  I have also bought several pair for my husband and they help him have less back pain.  I HIGHLY recommend these insoles!!  I am a very happy customer! - Bizrate Review

They have been very helpful in relieving my plantar fasciitis pain and have also helped to ease my husband's back pain. - Bizrate Review

These are the best foot relief I have ever had.  I have plantar fasciitis and there is instant relief when I put them in my shoes. - Bizrate Review

Foot relief insoles changed my life.  I was hobbling around from podiatrist to physical therapist, cursing the plantar fasciitis pain that kept me from enjoying my previous active lifestyle.  I put my first pair in my shoes and could not believe that I was able to traipse around the fairgrounds for the entire day without excruciating pain.  Within a week I had purchased four more pairs for loved ones who also struggled with various foot discomfort.  I love this product! - Bizrate Review

Cured my plantar fasciitis.  Originally purchased them at a SCUBA expo three years ago. - Bizrate Review

Amazing - Did what doctors could not do for my Plantar Fasciitis. - Bizrate Review

Insoles are very comfortable; bring relief of plantar fasciitis pain.  They make being on your feet for long periods of time tolerable. - Bizrate Review

I purchased mine at the Paducah Quilt Show. After I returned home I ordered a pair for my husband and a friend with neuropathy.  I also ordered another pair for myself.  I haven't had leg cramps since I put the first pair in my shoes at the show. - Bizrate Review

Had these for a little over a year and one finally leaked somehow..... BUT these have done GREAT things to my feet to enable me to lose weight and actually get rid of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis that I've had bad!  Doing without shots and just these soles alone have given me the strength to lose 40 lbs and feel great to the point of being able to get back on my feet and live!  Thank You Guys for a great product.  Can I PLEASE have a replacement set. - Customer Email (Customer received a replacement under warranty)

Love the way the insoles make you feel like you are walking on pillows.  I have plantar fasciitis and these insoles have been a blessing to have.  If you haven't tried them, please do.  If you have trouble with your feet you can't go wrong. - Bizrate Review

I love them.  I am absolutely amazed at the difference they make.  When I do not wear them I can barely walk at the end of the day.  Thank you so much for helping my Plantar Fasciitis and many other problems with my feet.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I have worn this type of insole for several years, and feel they have been very beneficial to my feet and legs.  I am an RN and on my feet all day and have trained for 3 half marathons which I have done over the past couple of years.  I used to experience achy legs, plantar fasciitis, etc., but have not had these issues since using these insoles.  I had problems with some other websites where I had ordered this type of insole (price went way up, insoles leaked), but have been very satisfied with the quality and price from "Foot Relief Insoles" out of Modesto. Thank you. - Bizrate Review

Hi, my name is Jessica.  First I want to let you know how wonderful your insoles are!  They have all but cured my plantar fasciitis!  I purchased them in September of 2008 at my local county fair and since then my feet have felt great!  I'm a vet tech so I'm on my feet all day long.  Thanks again for a pain free four months! - Jessica Ring - Customer Email

I love these insoles!  I’m a lab tech and I’m always on my feet.  I have plantar fasciitis which causes me a lot of pain.  When I wear these inserts that pain goes away.  I’ve been wearing foot relief insoles for five years and I will be wearing them for the next fifty. - Facebook Post

I bought 1 pair 4 years ago.  Then I bought 3 more the next year, and 5 pairs last summer.  They are so wonderful for plantar fasciitis and my very high arches.  I put them in all my shoes, even flip flops!  I wouldn’t be without them. - BBB Review

Another bit of Feet Relief.  I purchased these after hearing others say they found them to be helpful.  They are supposed to be chillable for summer and warmed for winter.  I can't speak for those qualities yet but I can say something about comfort.  I found that these provide better cushion than the solid gel sports insoles.  The liquid really does move and it is waiting for the next part of your foot to strike.  They are also thin enough to fit in dress shoes which is a real plus.  I have just one word of caution.  If you have plantar fasciitis, you will still need an insole in there for arch support.  They do help the arch to an extent but for me, the cushioning was what I noticed the most.  Unless your shoes are a close fit, these should slide over or under the stock insole.  That seemed to be the best combination for me.  If you don't need arch support or wear them in pumps you can wear them alone.  This was my first experience but I think a lot could be done with different styles for athletes, extra arch support, etc.  Overall a good product that could get even better. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since made a sports insole which is thicker and has more cushion and better arch support for high impact activities than our original All Purpose Insoles.  Also, our insoles are an add-on insole designed to be worn on top or under your existing shoe insoles or by themselves in women's dress shoes.) - Shoebuy Review - 4 Stars

I purchased foot relief insoles at the Sports & Outdoor show and I have had such relief from wearing these insoles.  I am purchasing a pair for my husband (diabetic) and daughter (plantar Fascitis).  Thank you for your wonderful product. - Customer Email

I have used this product for 2 years and have been very pleased.  After having knee surgery I developed a heel spur and plantars fasciitis.  This product dissolved the bone spur and kept me from having surgery.  This is a must buy product. - A.B. - Written Review - 3/11/2012

I am an Emergency Nurse Practitioner and spend 12 hours a day on hard concrete hospital floors.  These insoles were a life saver.  Especially when my plantar fasciitis flared up. - Karen DuBose ENP - Written Review - 3/15/2012

I am a total believer.  My plantar fasciitis is gone.  Best purchase at the fair. - Phil Barclay - Written Review - 8/23/2014

I am a nurse and suffer from plantar fasciitis and the inserts took all the symptoms away.  I have used them for 5 years. - Pennsylvania RN - Written Review - 10/26/2014

Immediate relief of my plantar fasciitis.  Amazing. - Farmer Aaron Speaksman - Written Review - 10/26/14

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Plantar Warts

I just want to thank you so very much.  They have relieved the pain from a plantar wart that I have had for 6 months.  I was able to walk without limping or hurting at all.  I wanted to cry because I was so happy the pain was gone.  Thank you again for a product that is worth the money. - Facebook Review

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Police & Military

I have been buying and wearing these insoles since 2008 when I was on active duty in the Marine Corps.  I am now a police officer and wear them daily.  I cant go a week without referring them to my fellow police officers or friends.  I can tell the quality of these insoles are improving since 2008.  Now they do have some longevity to them.  Thank you, a loyal customer. - Customer Email

When time permits I will type up a testimonial that you can share.  I do a lot of walking over here and I have a pretty beat up right foot that I have had numerous surgeries on as well as some hardware installed to keep it all together and your insoles are a must an all my foot gear.  I will also make my fellow companions aware of your product.  Bobby H. - US Army - Customer Email (Thank you Bobby for your service. We hope you are doing well.)

Best insoles I ever owned.  They survived a tour of Iraq and constant wear stateside.  Highly recommend to all who have jobs on their feet. - Bizrate Review

I am totally amazed at the comfort and relief of pressure and pain in my feet.  This is the second pair for me.  My wife dragged me into this booth and I'm glad she did.  I spend 10-16 hours a day on my feet as a Police Officer and this product makes my feet happy! - Sam Cerda - Written Review - 3/18/2012

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Product Comparison

We want to tell you that we just love them.  I used a different company's product...yours is 3 times better at the same cost.  Thank you. Sincerely, - T. Bailey - Customer Email

These are amazing.  I first tested them out when they were vendors at the San Antonio Rodeo and wow, what a difference!  Awesome product.  I really didn't think there would be enough of a difference to warrant the $39.95 price.  I figured gel pads at the pharmacy were probably just as good.  Nope.  These are way better. - Bizrate Review

I mistakenly ordered another insole brand thinking it was Foot Relief Insoles which I had purchased at a Quilting Expo booth one time.  They just weren't as comfortable and after a short time wearing them, I got out my 3 year old Foot Relief Insoles and looked on the bottom for a clue about the official site.  I had inadvertently thrown away the original package, so when I wanted to replace them i had just looked up "gel filled insoles" online and ordered from the wrong site.  I won't make that mistake again.  They were definitely less expensive but definitely not worth the money they charged. - Bizrate Review

The best I've ever worn. - Bizrate Review

Buying the foot relief insoles is probably one of the best investments I have personally made.  After being on your feet for almost fifteen hours and your feet throbbing because they hurt so bad and then being on the insoles for ten minutes and all the pain and throbbing in my feet going and feeling like I could go another ten to fifteen hours is AWESOME.  Foot Relief is an awesome product.  My son and my wife got them yesterday.  My son wears orthotics and hopefully foot relief will help not have to wear orthotics anymore.  Thank you foot relief. - Square Customer

These are wonderful and I have tried many kinds.  I will order 2 more pair soon. - Bizrate Review

Its my first order.  The reviews are the best I have ever read and I am hoping that the product is true to its word. - Bizrate Review

I have ordered other brands in the past and just ordered 4 pairs for my son and myself so I am hoping I like yours better.  I would love to talk to someone in your marketing department.  I have private messaged you all and will email if I can find an email address on your website.  Thanks! - Facebook Post

My name is Dave H. Jr. and in 2005 I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident and shattered my left ankle.  While on my motorcycle a drunk driver slammed me into a guard rail and took off and the police could never locate the driver of the vehicle.  I was told in the hospital that I would have limited mobility in my left ankle and maybe never walk again on it.  But I wouldn't let that happen.  Within 5 months I was out of the wheel chair and hobbling along without a walking boot.  I don't let anything slow me down. I am a father of three and I need to be there for my kids and wife.  I have a special orthotic made that makes a difference in my life but when I was introduced to your Foot Relief Insoles at the stock show in 2012 it changed the way my feet felt.  Trust me, I have had a lot of insoles in the past and paid high dollar just to be disappointed in how long they lasted.  When I put the insoles in my shoes at the stock show I felt that I was floating on air.  I have never taken them out of my shoes since.  I even had my wife order her some and I another pair and my mother and sister ordered some too and they loved them.  Thank you. Dave H. Jr. - Customer Letter

I have worn this type of insole for several years, and feel they have been very beneficial to my feet and legs.  I am an RN and on my feet all day and have trained for 3 half marathons which I have done over the past couple of years.  I used to experience achy legs, plantar fasciitis, etc., but have not had these issues since using these insoles.  I had problems with some other websites where I had ordered this type of insole (price went way up, insoles leaked), but have been very satisfied with the quality and price from "Foot Relief Insoles" out of Modesto.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I am a firm believer in your product.  I have worn them for several years.  I tried another product for a while and there is no comparison!  Teaching all day, my feet hurt continually.  I can't wait to go back to work pain free. - Cathy N. - Written Review - 3/10/2012

I have tried several different types of insoles and these are the only ones that last for over 2 years.  I wear them in all of my shoes and my feet do not hurt. I would not go without them.  I love them. - Susan Shea - Written Review - 3/17/2012

Been wearing Foot Relief Insoles for over 2 years and haven't had a better insole yet. - Nick F. - Written Review - 8/5/2012

I had another brand that blew up in 2-3 months.  Not the case with these.  Now I have no problems with my Mortens Neuroma and tendonitis along with my back aches.  I feel much better.  Love these inserts! - Nicholas N. - Written Review - 8/7/2012

After having bought a competitors gel and experienced a failure shortly thereafter, I had green fluid in my shoes.  I was somewhat skeptical of another purchase.  I then discovered the Foot Relief Insoles.  After 4 years and 7 different pairs of shoes between my wife and I, we have had no failures and have very happy feet! - John Gretzinger - Written Review - 8/6/2012

Tried these for the first time a year ago when I purchased them at the State Fair.  I must say that they have been amazing compared to so many others I have used.  I'm on my feet all day at work and I must say these have been a great source of relief.  The year I brought my wife and daughter back to purchase these same insoles for them.  I strongly recommend these to anyone who suffers from foot pain. - Ron Nita - Written Review - 8/24/2014

Foot Relief instantly made my back feel better.  It's a soft cushion to walk on that makes it feel like walking on a cloud.  Every day you put them on it feels like wearing a new pair of shoes and for only $40.  The soles that are bought from stores are no where as useful.  Highly recommend. - Michael S. - Written Review - 8/27/2014

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Shock Absorption

Great Insoles.  I walk a lot on the cement and these insoles remove the impact.  My feet and knees can sure feel the difference. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Like walking on water!  These insoles are great.  I'm hooked.  They are very thin so they don't make your shoes too tight.  They are very good shock absorbers. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Great on knees.  Took away the knee pain, very great shock absorbers. - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

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Sore Feet

I felt like I was walking on water.  Within about five minutes my feet began to feel less tired, less sore.  I feel like my feet are better off having these insoles.  I highly recommend this product.  Anna Worden - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

Hey, I just wanted to send my personal thanks again to the salesman who talked me into trying your insoles.  I've been wearing them for only two days.  I stopped by the booth about five o'clock Saturday and was sold in about ten minutes.  Bought the second pair for a friend in less than half an hour.  We are both completely satisfied and ready to convince others if they will listen.  Thanks again. Anna Worden - Customer Email

I can't begin to tell you how much I love these inner soles.  It's just indescribable how much they have helped me.  I feel like a different person.  It's a pleasure to walk on them.  I will recommend you to all my friends. Arlene - New Jersey - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I have to tell you as soon as I bought these and I put them in my shoes my feet felt great and they did not hurt at the end of the day.  The padding is great.  I have been wearing them in my sneakers when I work out in the morning and I am very pleased with them.  It's amazing, I have no sore feet.  I highly recommend them. - Frances - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

My feet were hurting really bad before I got Foot Relief Insoles.  I had gone to the doctor and paid over $500.00 for a pair of orthotics and they did not work.  As soon as I put your insoles in, my first few steps felt like I was walking on heaven.  I am a true believer.  These are the greatest things invented since the wheel!  I am going to wear these for the rest of my life.  They are great. I am very happy. - McCann Taylor - California - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I bought the insoles a few months ago and my podiatrist keeps calling me and begging me for an appointment.  These insoles have changed my life.  I am in sales and marketing and spend my life on my feet and these insoles are amazing. Just calling to say Thank You. - Michael - New York - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I used Foot Relief Insoles while traveling throughout Brazil.  I bought your insoles for the sole purpose of doing a lot of heavy walking and hiking.  I used your gel insoles every single day I was there.  I want to let you know they are wonderful and I thank God for them because without them my feet would hurt a lot.  They feel very comfortable and really help me a lot in my daily walking activities.  Thank you very much for a wonderful product. I will continue to use them for all of my walking and hiking needs. - H. Shore

Thank you.  I really like your insoles and I have told all my friends about them.  I walk a lot so your insoles help!  - Lonnie - Customer Email

Purchased at the California State Fair on Saturday.  As of Wednesday I am enjoying the insoles and have better mobility because my feet don't hurt! - Square Customer

Love this product!  I was suffering from very sore feet while walking around in my boots at horse shows!  These have helped so much! - Bizrate Review

I am very satisfied with the quality and performance of Foot Relief Insoles.  My last purchase was for personal use as well as gifts to others who have complained about sore feet as I am sure they will find the product performs well. - Bizrate Review

I got my first pair at the fair.  I have bone spurs in both heels and I had only been there 10 minutes when my feet started hurting so bad. I came across your booth and the salesman said put these in your shoes and walk.  Needless to say I bought them and was able to stay another 8 hours they have been a life saver.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I was walking the recent MAGIC show in Las Vegas, when I happened upon the representatives at the Foot Relief Insoles booth.  I wear a very comfortable brand of shoes, not corrective, mind you, but sensible nonetheless.  The salesman were quite helpful and informative as they sensed my throbbing feet were the reasons behind my interest in their product.  I was asked how big I am, assumed they were referring to my feet and whisked my shoe away from me as a pad was cut to measure for my pleasure.  As I stood there, wobbling on my wiggly insoles, was instructed to walk around a bit, especially on concrete.  That's when I was sold!  My feet were thanking me the remainder of the day and the following day as I traversed the sacred halls of MAGIC.  I haven't yet removed them from my shoes, as they really are very comfortable and the massaging action keeps you going all day.  The price is reasonable and forgotten soon after wearing them for a while and thinking of the cheaper and less effective drug store brands.  Quality is economy! - B. Thigpen - nielsen.com - Customer Email

I am writing to tell you how much of a difference my insoles have made for me since I purchased them awhile back.  I have gone from 100% pain the 0%.  And it's all thanks to the insoles.  My feet don't don't hurt like they use too.  I use to dread going to work because my feet would hurt so bad.  But a few days after wearing them I began to feel the difference.  I am so glad that I made that trip to the mall that day.  I believe if I try something and it works for me I don't hesitate to let people know. (I talk them to death about the product.) I work as a custodian so I am on my feet pretty much 8 hours a day.  I tell other's about the product and give them your web site and tell them it will be the best money spent.  You can't make money if you are out of work because of aching feet.  Once again thank you so much. - Cristina Palomares - Customer Email

On Sept 18th I went to the LA Fair.  I usually use a scooter, but didn't because we got there late and I thought I could handle it.  It was toward the end of the night when we were picking up things in your building.  Anyway I came by your booth and the men there were so nice.  They said just try, we don't care if you buy or not.  Well instantly my feet felt better.  I have had 6 foot surgeries, both knees replaced and 1 hip replaced.  My back hurts but I am not ready for anyone to work on my back.  As soon has the soles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body feel so much better.  My feet dont hurt at all, and I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works. - Ladine Sims - Customer Email

Simply an outstanding product. The perfect answer to sore feet, tired legs and aching backs. I definetly will share this with friends & family. Sincerely, Chris Rodgers - Author, Los Angeles - Customer Email

My feet used to hurt all the time and I'm sure being a diabetic didn't help matters, but once I got my insoles, that's changed!  I took 2 pairs of shoes to Israel with me where I did a lot of walking daily, and the day I forgot to put my insoles in my hiking and tennis shoes, I paid for it!  The next day, my feet were massaged back into happiness. - Facebook Review

Very satisfied with these insoles.  Being on my feet all day, and walking extensivly, I tried a pair of these insoles to help relieve soreness.  They are wonderful!  I have all but eliminated the soreness on the bottom of my feet.  You do have to get used to wearing them but once you do, your feet will love you. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Best Relief Insoles.  I stand for eight hours for my job and these insoles are the best insoles that I've ever used.  My feet and legs feel less sore and my feet stay cool. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

My feet and knees kill me.  Always have.  These are the only insoles I've used that make a lasting difference.  They make it a joy to stand and work again.  No hyperbole here. If your feet hurt, get em.  I know they are expensive but you get what you pay for. - Kendall Montgomery - Amazon Review - 5 Stars

In 2010 I purchased a pair of Foot Relief Insoles and wear them on a regular basis and I can really feel a difference even after a couple of years.  My feet don't hurt and I don't get as tired.  Best thing is they go in any pair of shoes I have.  Even high heels. - L. Brandon - Written Review - 3/13/2012

I have tried several different types of insoles and these are the only ones that last for over 2 years.  I wear them in all of my shoes and my feet do not hurt. I would not go without them.  I love them. - Susan Shea - Written Review - 3/17/2012

I bought the insoles on 9/13/14 at 9:30 PM after walking around for 15 hours with my feet throbbing and hurting really bad and they completely stopped. - P.F. - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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I think I’ve bought more than a dozen pairs since I first discovered Foot Relief Insoles at the California State Fair - I often give them as gifts as well as I love them myself.  PS I have been a walker for years, and always struggled with blisters - no more since I have my Foot Relief Insoles.  This year, I did my third annual 50 mile ultra-marathon - it was terrific! Again, thank you! - Lori - Customer Email

I have worn this type of insole for several years, and feel they have been very beneficial to my feet and legs.  I am an RN and on my feet all day and have trained for 3 half marathons which I have done over the past couple of years.  I used to experience achy legs, plantar fasciitis, etc., but have not had these issues since using these insoles.  I had problems with some other websites where I had ordered this type of insole (price went way up, insoles leaked), but have been very satisfied with the quality and price from "Foot Relief Insoles" out of Modesto. Thank you. - Bizrate Review

Love my Foot Relief Insoles.  Finally wore my old set out and have to replace them ASAP.  Been wearing them for 4 years now.  First used them in my Roller Derby skates.  They got rid of my tailor's bunions and calluses once I started using Foot Relief Insoles.  Won't go without them ever again! Happy Feet! - Bizrate Review

I really like them.  I use them mostly when I walk for exercise. - Bizrate Review

Best insert product ever.  This is my 4th pair and I hope you guys are always around.  Any chance you will develop an athletic one?  Mine always burst doing some sort of physical activity. - Bizrate Review (We now have a sports insole that is extra durable for athletes with a 3 year warranty and we always replace insoles that go defective under warranty giving you great value!)

I've been wearing the Foot Relief Insoles for over 10 years with great results.  Recently I upgraded to their thicker Sport Insole and the increase in performance is amazing!  I'll be adding more of the Sport Insoles to my shoes and boots soon. - BBB Review

I bought these insoles, still being a little skeptical about them.  I use these everyday to run.  They stay in place well and are very comfortable.  The pain I was feeling when running in my knees has reduced dramatically and the pain in my feet is gone on longer runs.  I have been using my insoles since 9/2013 - Jeremy - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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I became acquainted with Foot Relief Insoles at the Orange County Fair grounds.  I suggested the vendor try selling the product at Highland Games as the big complaint is that band shoes are uncomfortable.  I put insoles in mine and found that standing isn't as tiring as it was when using other insoles.  Bands usually end up standing stationary for what seems an internable amount of time while speakers drone on.  Feet can get very sore standing still. - Bizrate Review

I wanted to add an additional comment now that I've been wearing them for a few weeks.  I just wanted to say these things have literally changed my life.  I have plantar fasciitis and standing for long periods of times were very difficult for me.  These insoles have made it so I barely even feel any pain anymore; I have tried everything from custom inserts to about 20 other insoles and these are the only ones that have made such a huge difference to the point where I can walk and stand again.  I would highly recommend these to anybody and certainly will.  Thanks again. - Square Customer

Love them. I use them everyday.  On my feet up to 14 hours a day.  They last longer than warranty.  I use them with Good Feet insoles.  I have no feet problems now and have Been a customer for years. - Bizrate Review

I love the product.  It makes a huge difference in the comfort of my feet as I stand most of the day at work. - Bizrate Review

This insole is the best thing I have tried.  I work standing up for 6 hours and my feet are very comfortable and not hurting like they used to. - Bizrate Review

The hubby and I love these insoles.  He is on his feet 10 to 12 hours a day and they make his feet feel great. - Bizrate Review

I love them.  They help my feet tremendously.  They are the best thing that ever happened to my feet.  Thank you so much.  At my job I have to stand on bad concrete.  I have to stand all day long and these are the best I have ever seen. - Bizrate Review

I stand on my feet all day on cement floors.  Foot Relief Insoles truly help not only my feet but my back too.  When I don't have these insoles in my shoes I am in terrible pain at the end of the day.  I don't want to leave for work without them. - Bizrate Review

This is Mary and I've worn them for about 3 years.  I am a nurse.  I stand on my feet all day long for long hours.  After I got Foot Relief Insoles my feet and my back didn't hurt anymore.  I did have an issue where one of them broke after 3 years but I had actually bought two pair at the time.  When I was without them for a little bit I could really realize how much they help.  I would recommend them to anybody.  I'm ordering more online today.  I can definitely tell if I don't have a pair in my shoes.  I absolutely wear them when I work.  Thank you. - Customer Voicemail Transcript

Was received as a gift and a better gift I have never received.  I stand on cement for over 8 hours a day and my feet don't bother me half as much and my back feels a lot better. - Bizrate Review

I just wanted you to know how very pleased I am with your product!  I am an elementary school teacher, and therefore am on my feet all day.  Not only am I on my feet in my classroom, but also on yard duty and teaching P.E.!  You can imagine what a workout my feet get every day!  Your Foot Relief is most aptly named!  They make a huge difference in my comfort.....and a comfortable teacher is a child's best friend!!  Thanks again for your wonderful product! - Customer Email

I absolutely love my Foot Relief Insoles!  They are the best I have ever tried.  No more pain.  I've been using them for over 2 years!  I do a lot of walking and standing at my small ranch training horses.  The pain was unbearable.  With foot Relief Insoles I can be on my feet all day pain free.  My only regret is that I didn't buy several pair when I first tried them.  Today I invested in 2 more pair so that I can put them in all the shoes I wear. Lol - Facebook Review

I work in traffic control and am on my feet mostly just standing more than 10 hours a day.  And the relief from these insoles are amazing. I'm recommending them to all my Co workers. - Facebook Review

Met these guys at Wisconsin state fair.  I am a vendor that stands on my feet for long periods of time.  I no longer experience the pain or fatigue I had without them.  Would recommend to anyone who is on their feet for long periods of time. - BBB Review

Best Relief Insoles.  I stand for eight hours for my job and these insoles are the best insoles that I've ever used.  My feet and legs feel less sore and my feet stay cool. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

My feet and knees kill me.  Always have.  These are the only insoles I've used that make a lasting difference.  They make it a joy to stand and work again.  No hyperbole here. If your feet hurt, get em.  I know they are expensive but you get what you pay for. - Kendall Montgomery - Amazon Review - 5 Stars

Love the insoles and tell everyone I can that will listen.  Been using them for 4 years now.  We stand on concrete on our committee at Houston Rodeo and stand all day at our job.  Anyone that tries them will fall in love. - Patti R. - Written Review - 3/8/12

I am a field planner for a major chemical company.  I am in steel toe boots all day.  These insoles are the best I have ever had. I have tried the rest and these are the best. I am also a volunteer committee man at Houston Rodeo.  I wear my insoles at the rodeo too.  They are the best for walking and standing all day. - J.O. - Written Review - 3/9/2012

I have wore them for 4 years.  They are wonderful.  Make walking, standing so much better.  At the end of a long day you wont hurt all over.  When I don't wear them and stand all day, the next day I can't even stand to get up on my feet.  Not the case when wearing Foot Relief Insoles. - Christie Silhan - Written Review - 3/16/2012

I've had my pair of Foot Relief Insoles for a year.  I love them!  I switch them in and out of my shoes from boots to heels! I can wear heels again.  I use to have problems with the arch of my foot.  Now I don't have any discomfort.  I can stand for hours, at least 12 and not have as much pain in the end.  They even help me dance the night away.  I love them and recommend them to all. - Araceli Lopez - Written Review - 3/17/2012

Great Foot Relief!  Between the two of us we have 3 pairs for dress shoes as well as work boots.  We are well satisfied customers for 5 years now. Great product.  Carl is a printer - 12 hour shifts standing, and Cathy is a housekeeper standing all day. - Carl & Cathy Goldamer - Written Review - 8/3/2012

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I am a housewife and a teacher and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful these Foot Relief Insoles are!  I have had two knee replacements and I have severe arthritis in my left foot.  I have tried many insoles and have spent hundreds of dollars but these give me more relief than any insole ever has.  I can't go without them.  You feel like you are floating on air.  I never dreamed this thin insole would make so much of a difference in my health.  They have tremendously helped my knee healing.  I recommend them to anyone who is willing to try them. - June - Arkansas - Voicemail Audio Testimony

I just wanted you to know how very pleased I am with your product!  I am an elementary school teacher, and therefore am on my feet all day.  Not only am I on my feet in my classroom, but also on yard duty and teaching P.E.!  You can imagine what a workout my feet get every day!  Your Foot Relief is most aptly named!  They make a huge difference in my comfort.....and a comfortable teacher is a child's best friend!! Thanks again for your wonderful product! - Customer Email

I purchased a pair of Food Relief Insoles for my shoes at a Science Convention three years ago.  I am a teacher and the relief I felt wearing these insoles was instant!  I saved the package so when I needed a new pair I could order online as needed.  I liked these insoles so much that I also purchased a pair for my husband and sister who suffer from sore backs and foot pain too.  I am confident they will notice a big difference when they add the Foot Relief Insoles into their shoes. - Bizrate Review

These are so comfortable!  It's been months since I bought them in March.  It is now the middle of August.  I'm a teacher.  They go in all of my shoes! - Square Customer

I started having lots of feet problems, and being a teacher, I struggled working.  I bought these insoles at a market at the state fair 5-6 years ago and have been wearing them ever since.  My feet and leg pain disappeared and I was so excited.  My daughter also started wearing them and, being a dancer, was having issues and pain with her feet.  After she started wearing these she also had immediate relief.  My insoles have now been depleted and I am excited to get my new ones.  Thank You! - BBB Review

I am a firm believer in your product.  I have worn them for several years.  I tried another product for a while and there is no comparison!  Teaching all day, my feet hurt continually.  I can't wait to go back to work pain free. - Cathy N. - Written Review - 3/10/2012

As a teacher I am on my feet all day long.  At the end of the day my feet hurt.  I purchased Foot Relief to see if it would help, and it did. It makes my feet a ton better.  Best money I spent at the fair. - Jason Grabnor - Written Review - 8/6/2012

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I had another brand that blew up in 2-3 months.  Not the case with these.  Now I have no problems with my Mortens Neuroma and tendonitis along with my back aches.  I feel much better.  Love these inserts! - Nicholas N. - Written Review - 8/7/2012

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Tired Feet

After a day of walking with tired feet, my insoles provided great comfort.  Now I don't go walking without them!  This was a really good deal.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I love how my Foot Relief Insoles feel.  My feet are not tired at the end of the day. - Bizrate Review

I hope I never have to walk another step without my Foot Relief Insoles!  These things are amazing!  I can be on my feet for 12 hours and still not be tired like I was with regular insoles. - Bizrate Review

I went to the Minnesota State Fair and after some time of walking around, I started to experience hip pain and my feet were really tired!  I stopped at the Foot Relief Insoles booth and purchased a pair of insoles.  After a little bit of walking with my new insoles in, my foot pain and hip pain went away!  It felt like I was walking on clouds!  It made my experience at the fair so much better!  Thank you!! - Facebook Post

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Vet Techs

Hi, my name is Jessica.  First I want to let you know how wonderful your insoles are!  They have all but cured my plantar fasciitis!  I purchased them in September of 2008 at my local county fair and since then my feet have felt great!  I'm a vet tech so I'm on my feet all day long.  Thanks again for a pain free four months!  Jessica Ring - Customer Email

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Thank you. I really like your insoles and have told all my friends about them.  I walk a lot so your insoles help! - Lonnie - Email Response

Hi, I wanted to thank you for the coupon, and certainly will consider the Extreme Sports Version.  I purchased my first pair of the regular Foot Relief Insoles at the California State Fair in 2014, and, at the same time, I bought a pair for my dad.  We are both hard core walkers, love the insoles and I subsequently purchased at least a half dozen pairs for friends as gifts.  I walk 5 miles a day on average, and almost every day is spent in my Foot Relief Insoles.  A year or so ago, at Derek’s suggestion, I provided a testimonial.  My original pair is a little worn, but still quite serviceable, and I had started using the second pair when it came, but I saved the third pair until just a few weeks ago.  I’ve been saving this third pair for the 50 mile Ultra Marathon I am walking this coming weekend.  New walking shoes and new Foot Relief Insoles have been tested for the last few weeks, and I am ready!  I don’t believe it would have been possible for me to do this much walking, which I love and keeps me fit, if not for the Foot Relief Insoles.  I imagine that you are used to extremely happy customers, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to share you with just how happy I am with your product.  Thank you! - Lori - Customer Email

My first purchase was in Las Vegas at Cowboy Christmas event.  We had already walked all over the strip before we got to the convention center.  When the sales guy let me try them on and walk for a while I came back and purchased 2 pairs.  I've been hooked ever since! - Bizrate Review

I really like them.  I use them mostly when i walk for exercise. - Bizrate Review

Thank you.  I don’t feel the need to make a claim on the warranty.  Even though it has been a year and a half, I am a hard walker, and figure I’ve walked more miles on my insoles than you would expect.  I am quite grateful to have them, and look forward to receiving the new pair. - Bizrate Review

They make my walking experience very comfortable. - Bizrate Review

Great insoles!  Provided wonderful relief for knee pain while walking all day.  Highly recommend. - Bizrate Review

I love the pair I purchased at Houston Quilt Festival!  My feet feel great, even after walking at festival for 4-5 hours. - Customer Email

We love these.  Purchased our first pair two plus years ago.  We both had been walking on concrete for days and didn't know if it was a hoax that they made you feel so much better, but these are the real deal.  Can't go with out them!  My husband broke his pair a month ago and has had sore feet ever since.  We can't wait to get the new ones under warranty so he will feel better. - Bizrate Review

I really like the insoles.  I am a affiliate of Foot Relief Insoles and I made this purchase for someone that doesn't have internet access.  I will definitely recommend them to everyone.  They make all the difference in the world when walking on hard floors all day and if you have had or have lower back pain or foot problems once you try the Foot Relief Insoles you will not want to work another day without them I promise.  I have had both lower back problems and problems with both my feet and I was miserable at work until I purchased a pair of foot relief Insoles.  Now walking 10 hours a day is much easier.  They may not make you like your job any better but they will definitely make being there much easier. - Bizrate Review

Love this product!  I was suffering from very sore feet while walking around in my boots at horse shows!  These have helped so much! - Bizrate Review

I think the Insoles should be wider.  It also feels very strange to walk in them but I adjusted pretty fast. - Bizrate Reveiw (We make them in wider sizes now)

I use to have pain in my hips and since I have been using the Foot Relief insoles I can walk and walk and feel almost no pain.  I really do recommend them. - Bizrate Review

Buying the foot relief insoles is probably one of the best investments I have personally made.  After being on your feet for almost fifteen hours and your feet throbbing because they hurt so bad and then being on the insoles for ten minutes and all the pain and throbbing in my feet going and feeling like I could go another ten to fifteen hours is AWESOME.  Foot Relief is an awesome product.  My son and my wife got them yesterday.  My son wears orthotics and hopefully Foot Relief will help not have to wear orthotics anymore.  Thank you Foot Relief. - Square Customer

I love the insoles!  No pain at the fair walking! - Square Customer

I love your product!  My feet are more comfortable than they have been in years!  I am walking without pain.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Customer Email

It is true!  I put them in my shoes and it feels like I'm walking on a water bed.  I had to take them out after a few hours.  I think they will be wonderful once I get them broken in and they conform to my feet.  I have already been recommending them! - Bizrate Review

My lower back used to ache a lot after going out for walks.  When I started wearing these gel insoles, it did take a few weeks for my leg muscles to adjust.  After those first weeks though, these soles have done wonders in helping my back pain.  It doesn't hurt anymore when I go walking and I don't leave home without the soles.  I've been wearing them now for about 3-4 years. - Bizrate Review

Great product.  I don't leave home without these soles on my feet.  If I do, I would otherwise have lower back pain.  I have found that these soles don't work for some people (soreness, inability to adjust after the first few weeks of wearing, etc.). However, they have been a life saver for me. - Bizrate Review

I have Morton's Neuroma and these insoles really give relief when walking.  I will be purchasing another pair to have for other shoes.  Thank you for this good product. - Bizrate Review

Foot Relief insoles really work for me.  I am on my third set of insoles.  I use them in my work shoes and also my walking shoes.  I have no foot problems, I just like the comfort Foot Relief Insoles add to my walking comfort.

Since I bought my Foot Relief Insoles at the Washington state Fair I have begun hiking and climbing which has resulted in my best blood pressure readings in years.  I tell everyone to get them. - Bizrate Reviews

I highly recommend to anyone.  I have used them everyday and won't go without them.  I can walk all day with feet and legs are not hurting anymore being that I have flat feet and heel spurs.  They are awesome! - Bizrate Review

After a day of walking with tired feet, my insoles provided great comfort.  Now I don't go walking without them!  This was a really good deal.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

The Foot Relief Soles have really made a difference.  They have decreased the pain in my feet tremendously.  I can now walk my grand daughter to the park without pain. - Bizrate Review

I love them.  I am absolutely amazed at the difference they make.  When I do not wear them I can barely walk at the end of the day.  Thank you so much for helping my Plantar Fasciitis and many other problems with my feet.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

Best thing ever.  No more foot pain walking on concrete floors.  Thanks. - Bizrate Review

Hi, My name is Natalie.  I have been wearing your insoles for about 5 years and I can't even begin to express how wonderful they are.  I work in a factory and I'm on my feet at least 8 hours, sometimes 10 hours a day.  Before I started wearing them I could barely walk at the end of the day.  My feet hurt, my back hurt, my knees and everything else.  Within 5 minutes of wearing them I noticed a substantial difference.  I tried another popular brand of gel insoles and they didn't work at all.  I tried this product and highly recommend them to anyone.  I tell all my co-workers to try them every time they complain about sore feet. - Customer Voicemail Transcript.

I have a friend that just purchased her first pair and she placed them in my shoes and told me to walk around.  I felt like I was walking on air and could just walk around all day.  They are awesome and I have already shared with others that want to try mine when I receive them. - Bizrate Review

They are great.  I walk about 10 miles every day for my work and I could not do that without these insoles.  This is one of the best products I have ever purchased. - Bizrate Review

I was walking the recent MAGIC show in Las Vegas, when I happened upon the representatives at the Foot Relief Insoles booth.  I wear a very comfortable brand of shoes, not corrective, mind you, but sensible nonetheless.  The salesman were quite helpful and informative as they sensed my throbbing feet were the reasons behind my interest in their product.  I was asked how big I am, assumed they were referring to my feet and whisked my shoe away from me as a pad was cut to measure for my pleasure.  As I stood there, wobbling on my wiggly insoles, was instructed to walk around a bit, especially on concrete.  That's when I was sold!  My feet were thanking me the remainder of the day and the following day as I traversed the sacred halls of MAGIC.  I haven't yet removed them from my shoes, as they really are very comfortable and the massaging action keeps you going all day.  The price is reasonable and forgotten soon after wearing them for a while and thinking of the cheaper and less effective drug store brands.  Quality is economy! - B. Thigpen - nielsen.com - Customer Email

On Sept 18th I went to the LA Fair.  I usually use a scooter, but didn't because we got there late and I thought I could handle it.  It was toward the end of the night when we were picking up things in your building.  Anyway I came by your booth and the men there were so nice.  They said just try, we don't care if you buy or not.  Well instantly my feet felt better.  I have had 6 foot surgeries, both knees replaced and 1 hip replaced.  My back hurts but I am not ready for anyone to work on my back.  As soon has the soles were put in my shoes I felt so much better.  My lower part of the body feel so much better.  My feet don't hurt at all, and I am even walking better.  Thanks for making a product that really works. Ladine Sims - Customer Email

I am a nurse and have been using these insoles for over a year.  I bought my second pair at the Houston Rodeo and put them in the boots I was wearing.  I immediately felt like I could walk for many more hours.  I also have RA.  These insoles have helped to lessen my joint pain in my feet, knees, and back.  I bought a pair for my niece who is a waitress.  I recommend these insoles to all my nursing friends. - Kenna W. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/4/2019

I went to the Minnesota State Fair and after some time of walking around, I started to experience hip pain and my feet were really tired!  I stopped at the Foot Relief Insoles booth and purchased a pair of insoles.  After a little bit of walking with my new insoles in, my foot pain and hip pain went away!  It felt like I was walking on clouds!  It made my experience at the fair so much better! Thank you!! - Facebook Post

I absolutely love my Foot Relief Insoles!  They are the best I have ever tried.  No more pain.  I've been using them for over 2 years!  I do a lot of walking and standing at my small ranch training horses.  The pain was unbearable.  With foot Relief Insoles I can be on my feet all day pain free.  My only regret is that I didn't buy several pair when I first tried them.  Today I invested in 2 more pair so that I can put them in all the shoes I wear. Lol - Facebook Review

They work really good!  Highly recommend them!  They made my feet feel better, plus my hip pain I was experiencing from all the walking I was doing, went away! - Facebook Review

I just want to thank you so very much.  They have relieved the pain from a plantar wart that I have had for 6 months.  I was able to walk without limping or hurting at all.  I wanted to cry because I was so happy the pain was gone.  Thank you again for a product that is worth the money. - Facebook Review

Never have I had an insole relieve so much pain for me.  I have Lupus and have been using these for 4 years as of 2010 and I cannot walk without them!  Will gladly tell all my friends about these. Thanks! - Facebook Review

My name is Dave H. Jr. and in 2005 I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident and shattered my left ankle.  While on my motorcycle a drunk driver slammed me into a guard rail and took off and the police could never locate the driver of the vehicle.  I was told in the hospital that I would have limited mobility in my left ankle and maybe never walk again on it.  But I wouldn't let that happen.  Within 5 months I was out of the wheel chair and hobbling along without a walking boot.  I don't let anything slow me down.  I am a father of three and I need to be there for my kids and wife.  I have a special orthotic made that makes a difference in my life but when I was introduced to your Foot Relief Insoles at the stock show in 2012 it changed the way my feet felt.  Trust me, I have had a lot of insoles in the past and paid high dollar just to be disappointed in how long they lasted.  When I put the insoles in my shoes at the stock show I felt that I was floating on air.  I have never taken them out of my shoes since.  I even had my wife order her some and I another pair and my mother and sister ordered some too and they loved them.  Thank you.  Dave H. Jr. - Customer Letter

They Work.  These insoles really made a difference in my foot pain.  I am walking on a gel cloud now. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Great Insoles.  I walk a lot on the cement and these insoles remove the impact.  My feet and knees can sure feel the difference. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Very satisfied with these insoles.  Being on my feet all day, and walking extensively, I tried a pair of these insoles to help relieve soreness.  They are wonderful!  I have all but eliminated the soreness on the bottom of my feet.  You do have to get used to wearing them but once you do, your feet will love you. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Great to walk again.  I love these, it's great to walk again without pain but I could use a little more jell. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since made a sports insole which is thicker and has more cushion) - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

Love your insoles. More comfortable than any others I've tried.  Thin and comfortable.  I don't even realize they are in the boots.  I can walk for more hours in your insoles. - Sherry Roe - Written Review - 3/7/2012

I am a field planner for a major chemical company. I am in steel toe boots all day.  These insoles are the best I have ever had.  I have tried the rest and these are the best.  I am also a volunteer committee man at Houston Rodeo.  I wear my insoles at the rodeo too.  They are the best for walking and standing all day. - J.O. - Written Review - 3/9/2012

I have been wearing Foot Relief Insoles for a year.  I love the support and distribution of weight when walking.  Foot Relief can work for anyone! - A. Zufall - Written Review - 3/12/2012

I have wore them for 4 years.  They are wonderful.  Make walking, standing so much better.  At the end of a long day you wont hurt all over.  When I don't wear them and stand all day, the next day I can't even stand to get up on my feet.  Not the case when wearing Foot Relief Insoles. - Christie Silhan - Written Review - 3/16/2012

I have worn these fabulous Foot Relief Insoles for well over 4 years!  Ahh!  What a great feel while you are walking on them and at night my feet are totally relaxed.  What a blessing that God inspired the inventor to create that is good for your body with no harmful side effects!  I think about how Jesus walked everywhere he went.  He was thinking how he could bless the people even today.  Thank you for sharing this invention and gift from God with those of us that still walk a lot.  May God continue to bless and prosper your business. - Janette Watson - Written Review - 3/17/2012

I have had a lot of foot pain all my life.  Since I have been wearing these I have less pain and can do my walking better.  My knees and feet feel better. - Wanda Bailey - Written Review - 9/18/2012

These insoles have changed my life!  I made it through 10 hours strait walking at the fair and walked 20 blocks a day in New York City for 6 days straight with no pain! - Liz M. - Written Review 8/21/2014

What a difference maker!  For me, these insoles mean I can walk without pain.  When I don't have them in I notice right away!  I love these and would recommend them to anyone with foot trouble. - Rick Johnson - Written Review - 8/23/2014

I bought my first pair last year and from the first step I knew I had to have them.  I was having so much pain walking I thought I had to give it up.  Now I can walk every day
without pain.  Love them. - Sue Barclay Minoa - Written Review - 8/23/2014

I bought the insoles on 9/13/14 at 9:30 PM after walking around for 15 hours with my feet throbbing and hurting really bad and they completely stopped. - P.F. - Written Review - 9/14/2014

Me and my husband have been walking around the fair since noon and its 5pm and our feet, knees, and backs do NOT hurt like usual!  Amazing - Anonymous - Written Review - 9/14/2014

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Weight Loss

Had these for a little over a year and one finally leaked somehow..... BUT these have done GREAT things to my feet to enable me to lose weight and actually get rid of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis that I've had bad!  Doing without shots and just these soles alone have given me the strength to lose 40 lbs and feel great to the point of being able to get back on my feet and live!  Thank You Guys for a great product.  Can I PLEASE have a replacement set. - Customer Email (Customer received a replacement under warranty)

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Happy Customers

Wow.  Great service.  Now I have a pair for almost all my shoes.  No more switching insoles when I switch shoes.  I've been using these insoles since I discovered them at an RV rally.  Love them and am thrilled too have so many pairs.  Thanks. - Lynda - Customer Email

I just wanted to tell you that this was our second year in a row purchasing your insoles at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, in Ohio. Last year I purchased them for my husband and 8 year old daughter who has problem feet, they both absolutely loved them and couldn't wait to return this past week when we purchased them an additional pair plus picked up 2 pair for friends.  This time we purchased the advanced version, they are so comfortable!  Also would mention it was the same sales person working the both both years and he is very friendly and helpful. - Trina - Customer Email

You saved my life.  Stay well and thank you. - Square Customer

Love the soles!  Square Customer

Great product!  Worked right away and I feel great!  - Square Customer

Absolutely LOVE them!!!  No more foot pain!!!  - Square Customer

I am so glad I am getting your emails because I absolutely LOVE my insoles and, of course, lost the paperwork I got with them and was afraid I had lost you!!!  Thanks again! Best purchase EVER made at the Fair!!!! - Dee - Customer Email

Felt an instant difference when these insoles were in my shoes!  What a relief! - Square Customer

This is my third order.  The insoles keep going all the time, they really work.  I have given away 2 pair as gifts. - Square Customer

Just ordered another pair for myself and one for my husband to try.  Hoping to make him a believer on how great these are.  I've had mine for a year, and love them.  Customer service was very helpful in placing my order, as the website was experiencing a clinch.  Thanks! - Square Customer

Wearing them now.  They work great. May need to order another pair. - G. Burdeaux - Customer Email

These are great products, i have been recommending them to everyone I know!  I will be buying more once my bank account recuperates from quarter horse congress!! - Square Customer

These are so comfortable!  It's been months since I bought them in March.  It is now the middle of August.  I'm a teacher.  They go in all of my shoes! - Square Customer

Very nice people and good product. - Square Customer

My husband is sending you his coworkers from Kaiser. - Square Customer

I want to buy everyone I know a pair for Christmas!!! - Square Customer

Excellent product, I put them in all my shoes. - Bizrate Review

Good product. - Bizrate Review

These are a miracle!  Thank you! - Bizrate Review

Incredible - Bizrate Review

They look like what I've been searching for, I'm just hoping that they are as good as the customer reviews.  I'm very impressed by their video presentation and information.  If so I'll be buying a lot more. - Bizrate Review

Thank you.  Your insoles have changed my life!  May God Bless all that you do!  I'm praying about marketing these and healing others!  - C. Kornowski - Customer Email

Just following up.  I got my new inserts and they are amazing like always.  I will be buying more for sure for my girl friend and Mom and just about anyone else.  Thanks again for the new ones.  Now that I know they have a 2 year warranty on them it makes them even better if that's even possible.  Have a good day. - D. Hymen - Customer Email

Instant relief! - Square Customer

I tested foot relief at the fair and loved it so now I need my own. - Bizrate Review

They"re Great.   I wear them everyday. - Bizrate Review

I'll never buy any other kind of insoles.  These are the BEST! - Bizrate Review

Your insoles work great.  I'm a waitress and they really help my feet.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

They feel great!  I tried them on at the Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV over the NFR weekend. - Bizrate Review

LOVE LOVE LOVE this product.  I have recommended these insoles to many and bought them as gifts for everyone else! - Bizrate Review

Best product of its kind on the market. - Bizrate Review

Bought these at a craft bizarre and need more for family... they are great! - Bizrate Review

I love this product! - Bizrate Review

Great insoles, the best.  I have purchased 10 pairs in the last 5 years. - Bizrate Review

Wonderful! - Bizrate Review

Best insoles ever! - Bizrate Review

Your welcome.  I love your product. - Square Customer

Great Service and great product. - Square Customer

I love them.  I will tell my sister about them when she gets back from Maine. - Customer Email

I have been on my feet now since 10 o'clock Sunday morning and I don't get off work until 1 a.m. Monday morning.  So far so good.  Kind of different.  Not kind of different, very different.  By the end of the night I will reply again - Square Customer

Love the insoles. - Bizrate Review

I love these inserts.  I already have 3 pairs. - Customer Email

My Family loves these! - Bizrate Review

I discovered these insoles at a trade show over 5 years ago and keep ordering new ones.  They are comfortable and my feet feel great!  Great warranty, fully washable to last longer.  I highly recommend this product and company. - Bizrate Review

I had bought some insoles a couple years ago at a convention.  I wanted another pair and was delighted to find them on-line at half the price.  Thank you! - Bizrate Review

My friend let me trying his.  As soon is I tried his I told him that I have to get me a pair so I ordered it online right away.  And I ordered for my wife too. - Bizrate Review

Have been buying these at the Houston Rodeo for years.  Love them! - Square Customer

Love your product.  Can't go without it! - Customer Email

I am so impressed this is my 5th pair I want to keep them on the shoes so I don't misplace them.  I have a lot more shoes but I will be buying them monthly. - Bizrate Review

These have got to be the best insoles I have ever purchased.  I bought my husband a pair and he asked for me to purchase more.  A really good product! - Bizrate Review

They are so comfortable. - Bizrate Review

I'm on my feet all day at work and the insoles make a huge difference. - Bizrate Review

I love them and that is all! - Bizrate Review

Superb! - Bizrate Review

Love these insoles! - Square Customer

I think the Insoles should be wider.  It also feels very strange to walk in them but I adjusted pretty fast. - Bizrate Review (Foot Relief Insoles Response:  We now make them in wider sizes)

These are a terrific product that was recommended to me.  I in turn have recommended them to my friends and family. - Bizrate Review

I have used the product for less than 24 hours and I am VERY satisfied.  Thank you. - Square Customer

Tried on my moms pair and couldn't wait to place my order! - Bizrate Review

I tried these at a quilt festival In Charlotte NC and loved them. - Bizrate Review

WONDERFUL!  Relief as soon as I put them on!  That is why I'm ordering more.  I want a pair in each pair of my shoes!  Thank you very much! - Bizrate Review

They are great. - Bizrate Review

It was such a pleasure to meet you and you are GOD SENT.  I can't tell you how much better I am feeling just within a hour!  Thank you so much again!  Debra was also excited.  So with that being said my friend, can you tell us the best and fastest way she can get her amazing insoles?  Looking forward to hearing from you and have a wonderful evening.  P.S. I don't want to take my shoes off! - Customer Email

We have worn these insoles for 2 years now and love them.  We usually purchase from the State Fair however this offer was too good to pass up. - Bizrate Review

Love my insoles.  I tell everyone I know having any kind of foot problem about them.  And, have never got anything but good results for them. - Customer Email

I have had a pair for years and love them. (Getting kind of flat.)  I ordered another set for myself and one for my wife.  She has foot problems as well and if I can get her to wear them, I think they will help her. - Bizrate Review

The best I've ever worn. - Bizrate Reviews

Great Product. - Bizrate Review - 3 Different customers used this exact quote.

This is the only insole that helps me.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

These are wonderful and I have tried many kinds.  I will order 2 more pair soon. - Bizrate Review

This is the only product that has ever helped with my foot pain. - Bizrate Review

Very impressed with these insoles & special offer I received.  I Will definitely order again if I receive another offer like this.  Thank you. - Bizrate Review

I love these insoles and my feet are addicted to them! I have a pair in every boot and shoe I own. - Bizrate Review

I love them and don't ever want to go without them. - Bizrate Review

They work great. - Bizrate Review

Helped my feet incredibly. - Bizrate Review

Love them. - Bizrate Review

Gives me great relief.  Highly recommended. - Bizrate Review

I love my insoles and everyone I bought them for loves them too.  I will be ordering some more toward the end of the year.  Thanks. Jean B. - Customer Email

I love these insoles!  Bought a pair last October and never looked back!  I can't wait to receive my new pairs for me and my boyfriend! - Bizrate Review

My last pair wore out after about 2 years now I am getting new ones.  They were effective and I liked them. - Bizrate Review

Better then going to Doctor for their treatment. - Bizrate Review

I love this foot relief. - Bizrate Review

Good product.  I own a pair already. - Bizrate Review

Very comfortable.  I just need additional cushion under my toe area. - Bizrate Review

Very good. - Bizrate Review

Excited about this product that was highly recommended! - Bizrate Review

Thank you we are enjoying them. - Bizrate Review

Best I've ever found! - Bizrate Review

Thank you so much.  I know my friends will love them as much as I do. - Bizrate Reviews

I've loved my first pair in my work shoes.  Now I need a second for my tennis shoes. - Bizrate Review

Foot Relief is a wonderful product.  I'm on my feet all day and the insoles help cushion every step I take. - Bizrate Review

Love them. - Bizrate Review

They work really well. - Bizrate Review

Surpassed my expectations. - Bizrate Reviews

Purchased 45 pair of these at Congress in Ohio for myself and others and liked them very much. - Bizrate Review

I am replacing a pair I bought a year ago.  I wear them everyday! - Bizrate Review

These are great insoles. - Bizrate Review

Recommended by friend with foot problems. - Bizrate Review

My husband and I love the insoles.  We put them in our shoes and have not taken them out. Love, Love, LOVE them. - Bizrate Review

Love them.  Had our first set over two years now and use them everyday.  Wore them out and need new ones.  Wish I hadn't forgot the free shipping deadline yesterday. - Bizrate Review

Bought 3 pairs at Alameda County Fair in July.  Buying 3 more now so we don't have to change out of shoes all the time. - Bizrate Review

I love them! - Bizrate Review

I bought my first pair in '08 and wear them DAILY.  They're amazing. - Bizrate Review

I love their insoles. - Bizrate Review

Very satisfied with product and purchase experience. - Bizrate Review

Good service, good product. - Bizrate Review

LOVE LOVE LOVE this product.  I keep a set in every pair of boots I wear - recommend them to all my friends! - Bizrate Review

Best insert product ever.  This is my 4th pair and I hope you guys are always around.  Any chance you will develop an athletic one?  Mine always burst doing some sort of physical activity. - Bizrate Review (Foot Relief Insoles Response:  We now have a sports insole that is extra durable for athletes with a 3 year warranty and we always replace insoles that go defective under warranty giving you great value)

I have been using these insoles for a couple of years and am thoroughly pleased with the relief they have provided.  I have referred several to your site and know they too have been satisfied.  This product will be keep my step lively for years to come. - Bizrate Review

I have a friend that just purchased her first pair and she placed them in my shoes and told me to walk around.  I felt like I was walking on air and could just walk around all day.  They are awesome and I have already shared with others that want to try mine when I receive them. - Bizrate Review

We LOVE your insoles! - Bizrate Review

Heard about you at a flea market in TN that we attended for 3 days.  Nice young man was selling these across from us.  My husband talked with him for awhile.  He liked what he had to say plus what he read in the pamphlet.  My husband told me I should get a pair.  I was not willing at first.  I went and talked to him awhile myself.  At the end of the first day, still not sure I bought a pair.  We stand all day in our booth and at the end of the day my legs and feet just have it.  Saturday I was still not sure if I noticed anything different but I sure did by the end of the day.  I was still able to walk.  Feet still burned some but nothing like they usually did.  I was able to do something that evening.  I talked to the young man again on Sunday after I ran across another booth selling a different brand and asked him the difference.  He told me and I should have taken notes for I do not remember what he said.  Big mistake My part.  After being home for a few weeks I told my husband that this would be good for him to sell these in his office as well.  He is a chiropractor.  He has orthotics that he forms to patients feet when they need correction and he was not to sure, but I read that you can wear these with orthotics as well.  These have really helped my feet and legs so I know personally it will help others.  Plus I do the flea markets and festivals and this might be something I believe would sell since I seen the results myself. - Customer Email

Excellent product, I put them in all my shoes. - Bizrate Review

Thank you so much.  I've had one pair about 7 years.  Bought a new set at the stock show. - Square Customer

I have used "waterbed" insoles in the past from a different company.  I'm looking forward to trying these. - Bizrate Review

I was skeptical when I bought my first pair.  I figured it was just another gimmick.  Much to my surprise, they really worked. - Bizrate Review

Foot relief Insoles have relived my foot pain better than any other Insole I've tried, and I've tried all the other I could find. - Bizrate Review

Hi, I bought some insoles from you guys years ago and I just want you to know how great they work and want you to keep me on your list of customers.  I will be purchasing new ones shortly as the ones I have are worn out.  Thank you for making such a great product available for people! - Customer Email

FOOT RELIEF INSOLES are the best thing that has happened to my feet and legs in many years.  Thank you. - Dee Danberger - Customer Email

Simply an outstanding product.  The perfect answer to sore feet, tired legs and aching backs.  I definitely will share this with friends & family.  Sincerely, Chris Rodgers - Author, Los Angeles - Customer Email

Don't ever want to be without your footreliefsoles again.  You have Changed my life.  Thank you, thank you. - Customer Email

I am interested in possibly being a vendor for the product. - Bizrate Review

Foot Relief should be available at pharmacy to save on p&h. - Bizrate Review

I hope they are like the ones I purchased at the fair a few years ago.  Found a coupon which was great. - Bizrate Review

After using them for two weeks, it was a great investment.  Thank you. - Square Customer

I've worn your insoles for several years.  Love them! - Customer Email

Love the inserts and the excellent customer service.  We are repeat customers! - Square Customer

The insoles are a miracle! I wore them through the state fair and was amazed. - Square Customer

Great product. - Bizrate Review

Thank you for the relief! - Customer Email

Awesome!!!! - Square Customer

These insoles are amazing!!!!  They make my feet happy!  I've even borrowed my pair to a friend and now she owns a pair. - Christy F. - Yelp Review - 5.0 star rating 5/3/2019

Wore my insoles for 8 years before one side sprung a leak.  The warranty is for two years.  They're washable, they're thin, so they fit in my shoes, and they make my shoes really comfortable.  If you call the company, they are helpful.  Good business, good product. - BBB Review

I've been wearing the Foot Relief Insoles for over 10 years with great results.  Recently I upgraded to their thicker Sport Insole and the increase in performance is amazing! I'll be adding more of the Sport Insoles to my shoes and boots soon. - BBB Review

The best Insoles you will ever buy! - Google+ Review

Very nice.  I bought them to line boots, to give a little more insulation.  They are so comfortable you don't even notice them.  I can't say if they helped keep my feet warm, since I didn't wear them outside much. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Happy feet. Amazing.  Just bought my 4th pair. Best insoles you can buy. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Comfortable!  I like them, they do what I want them to.  Wished that they had been thicker, but they sure work in all my shoes and I love them!  I bought them to wear in heels since they are so flexible, and they do their job well, supporting where they need to. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since made a sports insole which is thicker and has more cushion) - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

Very good product.  I loved it. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Comfortable.  Nice and thin, but plenty of gel and a perfect fit for flat, pretty Chinese shoes gifted to me.  I've worn them long days morning to night and they make hard-soled, unsupportable and unprotected shoes comfortable. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Like these.  Comfortable, the only thing I don't like is it seems to make the feet cooler than regular insoles. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: Some customers do find it keeps the foot cooler. If you live in a cold weather state we recommend keeping your shoes near a heating vent so the liquid will absorb the heat before you go out in the cold. Doing this will first will keep your foot warm longer. In the summer we recommend placing them in a zip lock bag and putting them in the freezer. The insoles will not freeze and in an hour you have a foot cooler!) - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Foot Relief.  So far the gel filled inserts are fine...need to wear shoes with inserts for several hours before I can rave about them. - Shoebuy.com Review - 4 Stars

Foot Relief Insoles.  A friend of mine had Foot Relief Insoles and I tried them.  They felt very comfortable so I purchased a pair of my own.  They are top quality and very comfortable in shoes that have a little extra room.  They are too tight for my dress shoes, but very good in my casual shoes. - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

I just bought a pair of these insoles and they are fantastic!  I'm telling everyone about them and actually taking my shoe off to show them. - Customer Email

I don't ever want to be without Foot Relief Insoles again.  You have Changed my life.  Thank you, thank you. - Customer Email

Foot Relief Insoles are the best thing that has happened to my feet and legs in many years.  Thank you. - Customer Email

Comfy.  My husband and I each originally purchased a set of these at the MN state fair.  We liked them so much, we each purchased an extra pair. - Denise Appleby - Amazon Review - 4 Stars

Love my insoles. I tell everyone I can.  My wife loves hers.  Helps my feet all day long. - Richard - Written Review - 3/10/2012

I love the Foot Relief.  I bought 3 pairs, 1 for me, and 2 for gifts.  My family loved them.  They are excellent! Please buy a pair or you may regret it.  I promise. - Linda Jaramillo - Written Review - 3/18/2012

I tried these these for the first time 3 three years ago and introduced them to a few friends.  Every person who has tried them has been amazed and we are all repeat customers now. - Emily S. - Written Review - 9/18/2012

Awesome product.  On my feet for 10 hours a day.  Highly recommended. - Alicia - Written Review - 3/21/2014

Bad ass!  No more pain! - Written Review - 3/20/2014

These are awesome!!! - Wendy Davis - Written Review - 8/22/2014

I'm a repeat customer for 3 years.  I would strongly recommend this product.  I use them in rubber boots, running shoes, and sandals.  Passed it on to family.  Great products. - Anna B. - Written Review - 8/23/14

My third pair.  I would have no other inserts in my shoes.  With these insoles you don't have to buy a bigger shoe.  Great, Wonderful! - M. Wilcox - Written Review - 8/26/2014

In a word, AWESOME. - J.J. - Written Review - 8/27/2014

Have had my soles for over 2 years!  And want another pair!!  Love them!!! - Joanne Kolch - Written Review - 8/29/2014

If you love Corral boots you will love these.  Don't ditch your pretty boots, just get these insoles. - Anonymous - Written Review - 2/24/2015

Dear Friends. I LOVE my new found foot relief.  My tall friend does too.  Today's purchase is a birthday gift.  I think your product will become my "go to" gift for dear friends.  I am the short woman who shopped near closing time Wednesday night. - Anonymous hand written letter left at our booth.

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Unhappy Customer Reviews

We searched the entire internet, all customer emails, and all comments sent to us. We could only find the following 7 unhappy customer comments and reviews.  If you find any that are not listed here send them to us and we will add them.  We never claim that our insoles work for everyone which is why we have a money back guarantee and honor it, no questions asked.

At first they felt great but after a few wearings at work under the concrete floors they became another waste of money. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We appreciate that you tried our insoles.  We realize our insoles do not work for everyone and we are more than happy to honor our money back guarantee.  We have since improved the thickness and durability in our newer model.  Thank you for the 5 Stars though.  Not sure if you meant to do that but hopefully you will keep it for our great customer service! - This customer received a refund.) - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

Good at first but poorer and poorer quality as the days went by.  I have tried millions of insoles to find one that will meet expectations.  I was really excited to find these liquid filled insoles and when they arrived I hurried to take them out of the package and put them in my shoes.  They were heavenly.  I wore them to work 10-12 hours a day on concrete flooring and they were great the first day.  Then they were good the second, then the brown liner started to rub off and looked like peeling skin and now after a few weeks they are trash.  Very disappointed. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since increased the durability of the laminated fabric on our insoles to prevent this from occurring.  Keep in mind that at any time during the warranty you can send them in and get a replacement for any insole showing signs of wear and tear.  Just follow the RMA Warranty Procedures. - This customer received a refund.) - Shoebuy.com Review - 1 Star

Men's Foot Relief Insoles Liquid Filled.  Not what the description claims.  I do not find these insoles to relieve any of my foot pain. They are so thin so using them does allow room in shoes. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We appreciate that you tried our insoles.  We realize our insoles do not work for everyone and we are more than happy to honor our money back guarantee.  We have since improved the thickness and durability in our new sports model.  Our description is very specific about our insoles so we are not really sure what this customer mean by "Not what the description claims" - This customer received a refund.) - Shoebuy.com Review - 2 Stars

Not exactly what I'd hoped for.  I was very satisfied user of a similar but more expensive product in the past.  I had hoped these would be comparable for less money.  Bottom line is that although these insoles make walking on concrete less painful they're not as effective as the more expensive ones. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: We have since increased the thickness and cushion with our new Extreme Sports Insoles.  This customer received a refund.) - Shoebuy.com Review - 3 Stars

Terrible!  I really wanted to like these insoles but they hurt my feet so bad!  I had blisters after just one day of wearing them. (Foot Relief Insoles Response:  We are sorry to hear that.  We do hear this from about 1 out of every 500-1000 customers on average.  This usually occurs from wearing our insoles too long in the first day or two when excessive walking is involved with people who are not accustomed to walking long periods of time, like at fairs and tradeshows where we sell most of our insoles.  There is also a small percentage of people who need to gradually work up to wearing our insoles for a few days to a week before working or walking in them all day.  In our package we include instructions for people with sensitive feet.  We recommend people with sensitive feet start out using them until they feel a little too much massage or slight discomfort and then either take them out and start over the next day or place them under the existing shoe insoles for the remainder of the day.  A few days to a week of this and your feet will slowly become accustom to the massage.  Many of our customers report that they had to gradually get used to the massage because it made their feet sore in the first few days but once they worked up to it they could wear them all day. Some customers with sensitive feet choose to wear our insoles under the original shoe insoles right from the start.  About 5% of our customers wear our insoles this way.  Thank you for trying them. - This customer received a refund.) - shoebuy.com Review - 1 Star

Foot Relief Insoles Liquid.  I don't like those, they just feel weird under the feet. (Foot Relief Insoles Response: Yes, they are weird.  lol.  Like anything that is new to the body it can take a little getting used to the movement, usually a day or two.  After a while most people forget they are wearing them until they forget to switch them to another shoe and their feet start hurting.  Many of our customers even tell us that the first day or two they were not real excited about the movement of the liquid but after while they forgot about it and then the insoles were very comfortable.  Hope that helps.  Thank you for the 5 star rating though.  Not sure if you meant to do that.) - Shoebuy.com Review - 5 Stars

This insole works great when it actually is filled with the gel.  I received mine and they were completely bare and popped. (Foot Relief Insoles Response:  Hi Ruben, I am the owner of Foot Relief Insoles LLC.  We have a sports model that is thicker and stronger than the model you received.  We would be more than happy to send you a free pair of our sports insoles for you to wear and test.  Please send your details to support@footreliefinsoles.com  If you like them and are satisfied would you consider revising your review?  Without actually seeing the insoles you received we cannot accurately determine if they were defective or did not have the proper amount of liquid in them.  Foot Relief Insoles would also like to point out that we inspect every pair of insoles before we ship them and it would be rare that this would ever happen.  The customer actually states that this insole works well when it is filled with gel but says the insoles were completely bare and popped which is a contradiction.  We could not find this customer in our database of registered customers so we are not sure if this is our customer or not but in all fairness we did want to work with this customer to resolve the issue.  This customer never responded to our comment on Amazon.) - Ruben C. - Amazon Review - 1 Star

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